It turns out that having prisoners is not really the easiest thing, especially when you don't know what to do with them and they all have they hearts set on killing you. Or at least hurting you, badly. Really, really badly.

It may seem strange to you, but I have never had prisoners before. Mugging them seemed like a reasonable thing, but what now. I have also tied the bandits to the tree, but what to do with the prince. A very persisting prince? Who just won't leave you alone?

I thought of maybe killing him, but I have never killed in cold blood before. Yes, as a self-defence, where the situation was kill or get killed. But to kill a defenceless human being? Even though he is the tyrant and the enemy of womankind, witchkind and the enemy of poor? Which is basically all I am. No, I couldn't do that.

Nevertheless, I ought to act quickly. My magic is getting weaker and weaker with every minute that passes and I won't be able to hold the prince captive for long.

I have decided that it's best if I and my prisoner move away from the bandits and their dirty mouths cursing m entire bloodline. Maybe elsewhere I will be able to think clearer?

After about half an hour of walk I have decided that it's time to release prince of my magic or collapse to the floor.

I bound him with both rope and conjured ivy, now all that is left is hope that this will be sufficient.

"Oh, my dearest majesty," I said with a smirk, trying to conceal my exhaustion, "look how the tables have turned."

"Yes," he said with his usual cold voice, "it's odd."

"Odd?" I asked, surprised he even bothered to answer.

"It may surprise you," he said slightly friendlier, but mind not, his voice still chilly, "but I do not often find myself in such position."

Making a conversation are we? Well, sir, it will take more than that to distract me.

And just to prove him so, I have tightened the ivy around him.

"Now, my dear prince," I said, sitting on the forest floor, enjoying the few afternoon sun rays finding its way through think branches, "tell me what do you want with me and my sister."

"Your powers, what else." He replied as though I am stupid, the pretend friendliness now completely gone, as he realized it won't work.

"Our powers? How on Earth do you imagine to get those?" I asked, barely hiding exhaustion from my face.

"By capturing you and forcing you to work for me, of course."

"Of course." I nodded, finding his arrogance more amusing that I normally would, but I had no energy to feel angry. "And how would you force us, exactly?"

I didn't bother reminding him that he is currently my prisoner and will first have to free himself as we both probably knew that at some point he will succeed doing just that.

"Like I would tell you."

"Well, I was thinking that the most sufficient method would be you capturing us both and sending us on missions alternately, threatening the one on the mission with death of the other." As I was saying this, I lay on the floor and pillowed my head with my hands, sending his now fiery eyes bright smile. I guess I rightfully predicted his plan. "But, as you may have noticed, there is only me here."

"That, I have." He replied calculatedly. "Where may your sister be?"

"Unfortunately, I have to inform you my dear sister has passed away. Attacked by a bear in her sleep." I feigned sorrow as the words left my mouth.

"Oh, don't bullshit me." He stormed. "She's not dead."

At that I smiled. Our prince seems to be more than just his looks.

"She is to you." Is all I said, forgetting myself and closing my eyes for a moment.

Wake up! The voices in my head screamed and with great trouble I forced my eyes open.

"This was pleasant," I said, raising to my feet, "and you don't need to thank me for saving you from the bandits, your majesty." I smirked and looked at his angry eyes. "But now, I'm afraid, I'll have to leave you."

"Leave me? Here? Strapped to the tree?"

I shrugged: "I would prefer you strapped on the pillar of shame and throw some rotten tomatoes at you, while I'm at it, but oh well."

I picked my bag and went on my way: "Till later, prince you-are-not-worthy-of knowing-my-name."

I must admit, I found not knowing his name slightly irritating. I didnt want to keep on calling him 'your majesty'. But maybe he's not telling it to me because it's really lame, like Larry. Or maybe it rhymes with something embarrassing.

Prince Keil,

fast like a snail.

I kept on amusing myself with thoughts like that to keep my step steady, until I found a sufficient place to rest for the night.

Sadly, because of my exhaustion, I forgot to cast the spells of protection that night and with that I ended up making a fatal mistake.


I was awoken by leaves rustling in the middle of the night and just as I was about to stand up and look into it I heard cold voice say: "And just like that, the tables have turned again," as I felt a wooden stick connect with the back of my head with a loud thud.


When I opened my eyes next, I found myself in very uncomfortable position. I was chained in a very dark, cold and uncomfortable cave. My head was pounding, my clothes were damped, my ankles and wrists scratched by iron clasps and worst of all…I really had to pee.

I tried my best to get myself into the sitting position and sadly the sound of chain moving woke my capturer and broke the pleasant silence.

"Ah, you are awoken." The prince said, half asleep and I realized it is still night outside.

"We really have to stop meeting like this." I said tiredly and with not much joy.

"Perhaps," he said and if it's not my dizzy head making up things, I think I registered amusement in his tone. "Now, where is your sister?"

"Somewhere really boring I'm afraid, but safe." I answered as I was struggling with chains. "Upgrade, I see?" I said, addressing the iron situation.

"Yes," he said, completely serious now, "it is unlikely for you to burn your way through those."

"Unlikely, indeed." I agreed and cursed myself and the situation I found myself in.

"Your majesty," I started again after a few moments of silence, "you must believe me it is not in my intention to bother you," at that he snorted. Snorted! "But I really have to answer the nature's call."

"I am sure the nature will not hold it against you, if you ignore her." He replied stiffly.

"Maybe, but I am pretty sure the two of us will find ourselves in an awkward situation if her call goes unanswered." I insisted, almost shaking by the need to go.

"You will hold it." He declared coldly and I lost it.

Truly lost it. Do you have any idea how awful the feeling of having to go badly is? I have considered telling the royal bitterness that, but honestly, would it do any good?

Probably not.

So I have decided to take extreme measures and embarrassing myself greatly in the process. But, fuck it. I refuse to suffer for such a stupid reason.

I raised to my feet, barely holding it together and checked my surroundings, which was not the easiest task based on the conditions inside the cave.

The prince, still lying on the floor, started looking at my direction: "What are you doing?"

"Annoying you, testing the chains, trying to escape, stretching my legs and so on and so on." I half hissed as I tried to reach the small hole in the floor, perfect for a make-shift toilet. "A little privacy, please."

"You are not serious!" the prince growled and turned around.

"Sadly, I do not have much choice and I do prefer this to wetting my pants." I said as I struggled to undress, for the first time wishing I wore a skirt.

When I finally managed to free myself of cloth, I relieved myself, giggling from embarrassment the entire time.

Sadly, my need was grave and it took quite some time for my bladder to empty fully. The entire experience was spiced up with the prince's groaning and complaining over modern women and my uncomfortable giggles.

Goddesses, what is my life? Can I not just simply die?

"Are you done, finally?" The strained voice said as I was ripping the skin of my wrists with my dressing attempts.

Finally managing to pull my pants on, I managed a shy "yes".

"Get some sleep now, we will talk tomorrow."

"Wow, you really are certain of your bonds." I scoffed as I tried to find a comfortable position, as far away from the pool I just made as possible.

"Your bonds, you mean." He said coldly and I just rolled my eyes, not finding it worth to keep this useless grunting up.