"Wake up!" I heard a cold voice command while a leg was shaking my body.

A leg. He put his dirty boot on my hips, shaking me to wake up. If that's not a prince Charming then I don't know what is.

I growled in response, lifting myself up. "There are better ways to wake someone up, you know."

"I know. Where's your sister?"

Wow. Is he even a human? How can someone change topic just like that.

"Somewhere safe." I replied equally cold.

"You will either tell me willingly, or I'll make you tell me." He said, his voice strained with what may be a slight aggravation and a knife in his hand.

"Do your worst, your majesty." I sighed, leaning back to the cave wall, closing my eyes and expecting pain to be thrown upon me.

But nothing came. I opened my eyes, trying to see what fucking game is the prince playing, but there was no one in sight.

I stared in front of me in confusion, asking myself if it were possible for him to just leave.

Sadly, odds weren't in my favour. After a few more moments the prince returned in the cave, bringing water and berries. "Eat." He ordered, passing me the modest breakfast I was very grateful for. Not to him, though. He can easily go fuck himself for chaining me in cave like this. "You have a very interesting idea of torture, you know." My wrists were pulsing as the chains scratched a lot of the skin off, my ankles weren't in much better shape.

Still, I devoured the food and the water he brought me. After the amount of magic I used the day before, I was very needing of much greater amounts, but this will have to do for now.

"I have a preposition for you." He started after he finished his portion, looking at me with strange expression. Disgust, probably. "A work preposition."

"I will not work for your father, just kill me." I bit out, my voice full of hatred and my eyes blazing fire, directed directly at him.

"How about against him?"

I would lie, if I said I weren't intrigued, so I raised my eyebrows at him.

"For a while now, I believe my father is not fit for a ruler and is ought to be replaced." His voice was annoyingly calm as he was 'explaining' his offer. "I have gathered together a little team and I would like it if you and… you joined." He stopped himself in time as he saw the look I shot at him when he was about to mention my sister. "Together, we will prove to him that he should resign and leave the throne to me. You already helped a lot with your little heist, but there is more to be made that he would be fully convinced."

"There is nothing that I would love more than overthrow your father." I told him sweetly.

"Adequate. We shall meet with the others then." He was obviously pleased with my answer and that's why I just loved to ruin his mood.

"However," I exhaled dramatically, "I do not believe you are fit to be a king, either."

"You will help me, or die today." He threatened.

"Excuse me, sir." I said calmly, rolling my eyes at the lack of his diplomatic abilities. "You said you had an offer for me. And these usually consist of favours, you give me something, I give you something. You knw? Make your offer."

"What do you want from me?" He asked icily and I smiled, pleased with myself.

"Several things," I stood up from the cold floor, trying to make myself be taken more seriously. "First of all, if you should be our king, learn to be more tactic, not everything can be solved with violence." At that, it was he who rolled his eyes. "Second of all, I want land. Land with a house and fields and forest."

"After we succeed, that could be arranged." He promised. "Is that all?"

"No," I said, all serious, "lastly, I want you to change some laws about women." I was dead serious.

And he scoffed.

"I want you to allow women to find respectable jobs."

"Who do you think you are to tell the future king how to do his job? You are nothing! A worthless whore!"

"Then let me go." I said and extended my arms to him, eyebrows risen in challenge.

"I could live you here, let you starve to death." He threatened again.

"You could," I crossed my arms and leaned on the wall, "but we both know I would probably escape. Besides, I am valuable. It would be a shame to kill me and let my talents go to waste, when there is a possibility of having me on your own side."

After my little speech, he just kept on staring at me, thinking about all that was said in the last ten minutes. And then he finally decided.

"Fine. I promise to give you land with a house and I promise to enable female employment, after I become king." Irritation was clear in his voice, but he still started unchaining me.

"I will also need new clothes."

He raised his head to meet my eyes. He was close, really close. Our breaths danced together as we determinedly stared at each other. Is that a shade of blue I see in his glare?

No, Alex focus.

"We are past negotiating." He said coldly, still clasping my hands in his and keeping his eyes focused on me.

"I need new pants for my missions." I replied equally cold, my breathing maybe a bit deeper than necessary.

He squinted his eyes at me and I squinted mine back. There is no way I am backing down first. So we stared at each other some more. The longer the moments stretched, the more aware I became of his hands and of his breath on my face.

You are enjoying this! The voice inside my head accused. But honestly, how could I not be? I am testing the authority of the future king.

"Fine, new clothes can be arranged." He finally said and unlocked my chains. "But we have to go now."

"Yes, your majesty." I mocked a salute, grabbed my bag and hurried after him.