"Are you ready, yet?" I heard a shout from downstairs.

"A moment!" I yelled back, rushing to pack everything I need for today's mission. I spent the most of the yesterday lying around and thinking how to pull today off. I studied the maps and tried to come up with perfect anonymous attack. Now, packing bows and arrows, my weapon of choice, I was being rushed by the prince.

After I climbed down the stairs, I found the prince dressed in camouflage colours and with a backpack on his shoulders. "You're coming, too?" I asked, not really sure how to feel about it. Yes, it's good to go on a mission with someone else, it's not as nerve-wracking, but is a company one would desire? Probably, not.

"Obviously." He replied so matter-of-factly, making me feel like the biggest idiot on the planet. "Let's go on our way, we have a long walk ahead of us."

"Yes, boss." I replied and mocked a salute. As I followed him outside and into the woods, which, by the way, were in the opposite direction of the eastern border.

"Um, boss. Are you sure we are going the right way?" I asked, while almost running to keep up with his steps.

"Don't question me, peasant!" He hissed back and I almost stopped in my tracks from the hate in his voice.

Damn sir, I thought that yesterday brought us closer, what's with the attitude?

I didn't really ask him, doubting he would appreciate it. But, his reaction at least made me realize that I became too friendly with him. When was the last time I blasted him?

After two hours of walk we reached the border, the western one. But honestly I stopped caring.

There, two horses strapped to the tree awaited us. "From here we ride, outside the border, so be careful."

I nodded at him and mounted my horse, starting my way, not waiting for him. And it went on this way for hours, until he finally spoke.

"I'm sorry if I were rude to you before." He started and I couldn't believe my ears. "But you were annoying."

Wow, what an apology. I just nodded at him and grabbed some water from my backpack.

"Don't you have anything to say?" He asked, his voice curious.

"Not really, your majesty." I said, before mouthing a whole paragraph. "You reminded me of my place here. I am your prisoner, not an employee or a friend, regardless of how I've acted. You have reminded me of my hate for you, for your father and your reign. Maybe I should thank you. You reminded me of the fact that I should be more careful and watch out more, maybe, that way, I'll even escape my death."

He was quiet for a moment. "Death?" He asked. "What about our agreement?"

"Please," I scoffed, "like you were ever to let me go. If I refused to work for you, when you became the king, which, let's be honest, I will." I admitted, knowing that I have just dug my grave. "You will probably kill me. In this short amount of time that I had displeasure of knowing you, it's obvious that people either work for or against you. And since I will refuse to work for you, I will be a threat to the kingdom, thanks to my abilities."

For a moment he stared at me and then a smile appeared on his face. "I really do need to stop underestimating you."

And then we rode in silence, again.

About an hour away from our final destination, he asked what have I planned for today.

"I thought of blasting something up, to draw attention and then enchant bows and arrows to shoot arrows at the guards." I replied coldly.

"You can do that?" He asked, impressed.

"If I set the arrows, yes." I really do be convincing him that he should get rid of me. "I will have to be close to them to succeed, so the escaping bit is a bit tricky. I'm not really sure how to slip away unnoticed."

"Ok, I'm sure you'll work that part out, too. Just don't reveal your abilities to the guards." He said, voice commanding.

I rolled my yes, like I want king all over my shit, too. "And what will you do?"

"I'll observe. I want to see how you work." At that I nodded and stayed uncharacterictically silent.


When we arrived to our destination, I unmounted and started setting up bows and arrows. I had some trouble with aligning them to point in the desired direction. I knew better than to use magic, it would exhaust me too much, so I have decided to use rope and when I ran out of that, I ripped my own clothing.

The prince sat in his horse the entire time, watching me struggle to climb the trees and set the bows. In short, he was being completely useless. Why did he come again?

It was a blow, both physically and mentally, watch him watch me throw myself off of the few trees, that were impossible to climb off of, and falling onto the hard ground.

After I set the bows, the sun was already setting and I turned to the prince: "I'm going to start blow shit up now, so maybe you should leave."

"And do you know how you'll escape?" He asked, probably not really caring.

"I won't." I shrugged. "I'll hide on one of the trees in the back and wait for them to leave."

"And what will you do if they look up, which they probably will, since you set the bows high?" Oh, his tone. He really thinks I'm this incapable, doesn't he.

I offered him a cynical smile. "The same way I avoided you for two weeks. And don't worry, if it worked that long for you, it will work one night for the guards."

He gritted his teeth. "And how is that?"

"Protective spells." I shrugged and handed him my horse. "Bye, now."

He nodded at me and left. I waited for about thirty minutes, before I started walking back towards the kingdom, marking five spots to blow up and to, hopefully, get the attention of the guards.

Several times, I've asked myself why the hell don't I just run. But, honestly, where would I go? To Ro and die of boredom?

No, I can't leave just yet. Firstly, even though I hate to admit it, I am having fun working for prince, even though I currently can't really feel my fingers. Secondly, I need to keep enemies close for as long as possible. I need to figure out his game and how to beat him in it.

My thoughts evaporated, when I suddenly spotted a few guards patrolling. I backed away in the forest and tried to calm my nerves.

Ok, Alex, you got this. What is this compering to stealing the crown.

I exhaled and blew up the first tree. Believe it or not, that caught the guards' attention immediately and chaos erupted very quickly. I started running back into the forest while blowing up an occasional tree and bush.

Before I knew it, I reached my hiding tree and I arranged the crystals around it and chanted the invisibility and protection spells. After that, I quickly climbed the tree, almost missing my window of arrow-shooting.

With barely enough time to breath, I enchanted the bows to shoot arrows at the soldiers. They, as anyone would, quickly backed back into the safety, giving me enough time to fake an escape of a fake army.

I used magic to create fake tracks, going in the opposite direction of where I was hiding and of the way prince Covyn went, although it would be fun to have him tracked.

When the guards returned, it didn't take them long to find the tracks. Sadly, only about a half followed them, the rest stayed behind and checked the surroundings.

"Ugh, will I really have to sleep here. Damn prince and his hunger for power." I complained, trying to find more comfortable position. At least I brought a blanket this time.


I actually fell asleep. It was as uncomfortable as you may imagine falling asleep on a fucking tree would be like. Sadly, when I opened my eyes I wasn't alone. I had a pair of dark eyes staring up the tree, not directly at me, thanks to the spell, but still close enough.

"It's amazing," the prince said, "I really can't see you. I know you're up there, but no idea where."

"What are you doing here?" I asked annoyed, climbing my way down.

"I'm our escape plan." He smirked, when he finally spotted me. "You didn't really think I'd leave, did you?"

"I dared to hope." I shot back as I started picking up the crystals.

"it's so peculiar." He said more to himself. "You're a nobody, a whore-"

"A worthless whore." I corrected.

"Yes, that. But still, you make me want you." As he said that, he grabbed my wrists and pinned me to the tree. "What kind of magic is that?"

"Magic?" I scoffed. "Believe me sir, the last thing I would want is you wanting me." I stared at him defiantly, being too aware of his body. Of his strong arms holding mine, of his chest pressed against my, of his warm breath massaging my face, of his delicious lips moving. I bit my lips, trying to concentrate and hold back my urge to kiss him.

"Don't do that, it's making me crazy." He breathed.

"Make me." I breathed back. Why were we breathing so heavily all of a sudden.

Before I could get an answer, his lips were on mine, kiss sloppy, inexperienced and feverish. It made me smile and for a moment I forgot it was the man I hate I was kissing. His lips parted mine and I let my tongue slip in his mouth, fighting for control. We struggled like that for a while, before I finally couldn't take it anymore. I blasted him, gently, and he flew a yard or three away.

"You are impossible and I hate you." I stated when I stalked to his already sitting body and set myself on his lap. My hands in his hair and my lips on his, we started making out again.

"And you are infuriating monster." Those were the last audible words we exchanged in quite some time. One of his hands on my hips, pulling me closer and other one in my hair, slightly pulling. We let our mouths devour each other's. Slowly, I started removing my lips from his and moving toward his jaw, stopping at his ear and making him whimper with the movements of my tongue. I continued kissing my way down his neck, pinning him on the ground as I went. As I nibbled on his skin, I enjoyed the sounds of his whimpers and moans. Oh, what wouldn't I give to make him scream, either of pain or pleasure, preferably both.

As I reached his collar bone, I licked the length of it, feeling the already hard bulge in his pants grow and harden. I nibbled my way back to the neck and then kissed back up on the neck, his sounds turning me on more than I care to admit.

Stopping at his ear, I took his earlobe in my teeth and whispered. "Isn't it sad?" I asked seductively, reaching to his pants with one hand, while holding myself up with the other. I started stroking the bulge and felt his breathing fasten and his moans grow more frequent. "So sad," I repeated, "wanting something you can't have." With the final peck on his lips I rose up and left him lying on the floor, all hot and bothered.

"Where are the horses?" I asked coldly, quickly composing myself.

Have a taste of your own medicine, dear prince. We'll see how much you'll enjoy it.