As the prince and I returned to the house from our quiet and intense ride, I couldn't help missing the brothel. It had been weeks since I have last enjoyed some sexual action and the little moment the future king and I shared before didn't really help with my growing desire. That's why I have decided to make a quick trip to the brothel tonight, after long nice nap, of course. If all will go according to plan, I'll need a lot of energy.

"Any jobs for me tomorrow?" I asked the prince, who was, just like our entire journey, sneaking glances at me.

"No." He replied, as he quickly broke eye contact. I wasn't sure wat to think of his behaviour, it was strangely non-threatening.

Anyway, I didn't really have time for his moods right now, so I went straight to the room.

After a very much-needed nap, I have also decided to take a shower and clean myself. After all, not many men would appreciate a muddy body to fuck. And yes, that's all I will be when their penises will be entering me. I just feel better baring myself of my persona and humanity, especially when sometimes you get treated like shit.

After my bath, I put on some fresh underwear, aka chemise, and braided my still-wet hair.

Ugh, I can't wait for tonight. Hopefully, at least a bit of the stress will leave my body.

The walk to the brothel was pleasant, although I kept on feeling like I was being watched and followed. I have probably turned around to catch the stalker several times, but all I saw were tall trees in the dusk. Not a single soul. I had to be more on edge than I imagined. Am I surprised? It's not easy to be the public enemy number one.

When I finally reached the brothel, Lady Greta warmly welcomed me: "Alex! It's been long since I have last seen you. The girls and I missed you!"

"Aw, thanks Lady Greta. It's nice to be back, even though probably just for the night." I smiled at her. Such a sweet lady, Greta. She's a wider girl in her forties and probably the most desirable woman here. I guess many lords and barons have mommy issues. Of course, the fact that she's also very experienced lover is a factor there. She taught me every trick I know and may I say I know quite a few.

"You're lucky you chose to came tonight. I just happen to have a room empty." She smiled at me, as she caressed my back. I was very fond of her, she was almost like a second mother to me, providing me with comfort and protection when I needed it the most.

"Really? That wold be amazing." I gushed with relief. I was a bit worried that my trip here would be for nothing. "I do plan to get quite some work done."

She smiled at me and directed me on my way. My room was on the upper floor, which meant I had to climb very steep stairs with a mask on, which wasn't easy since I barely saw my feet.

I had the golden mask on I wore to the dance, since I have lost my previous black one. It was a bit extravagant for this place, but I just had to go with what I had.

I undressed to the chemise and took a few deep breaths, mentally preparing myself for the night. I laid on the big bed in the middle of the room and stretched my back, gripping the violet sheets and cushions.

It's probably weird to hear, but I felt at home here. Now that I was alone at least. The room smelled of sweetly of cheap perfume and the candled in the corners illuminated the room with romantic gleam.

A knock on the door brought me out of my daydream: "Hey, girly." Greta greeted, "I have a first client for you, young and handsome man," she winked deviously, "I'm sure you're going to enjoy him."

I smiled at her and told her to bring him up, I was ready to play. The young ones are always fun, still inexperienced and shy, treating a girl with respect and not yet corrupted with arrogance and sense of superiority.

However, the young man that entered my room was quite the opposite.


Cowyn's POV:

She's crazy, absolutely insane. How dares she put her vile hands on me, preforming such disrespectful acts on my body? And making me feel so good.

I would have her head for this normally, but she is a valuable asset. I was so overwhelmed because of her and just couldn't focus. At every given opportunity my eyes just kept escaping to her, searching her posture, observing. Trying to see if she was just as much effected by it as I was.

Probably not, though. This was her profession after all.

No, don't think like this! Think of a punishment! She will have to pay for tarnishing me like this with her lips and hands.

Her soft and yet determined lips, claiming my mouth. Her devilish tongue making my abdomen feeling funny and her hands…her hands for making me feel this good, completely disarming me, making me want her, pleasure her.

No! Stop this! Not pleasure, torture. She deserves to scream for shaming me like that.

But all that aside, I have never felt that way before, never needed nor desired to feel that way. Now, however, I couldn't stop thinking about it. She was like a drug, with every touch I craved another one, hoping to get satisfied by it.

A drug, yes. A dangerous weapon, easily used against me. That's why I have decided to keep an eye on her, at least for tonight or until these stirrings I feel dismantle.

I didn't really think Miss will do anything special, it seemed like she has decided to turn in early. Which was absolutely understandable, we did have a rough day behind us.

But, no. Diana decided to sneak out at night. At night! Do you know how dangerous it is for a girl to go outside alone at night?

Ugh, she will catch attention and get us all in trouble, probably even succeed to break the double role I played successfully for months now. Therefore, I had no choice but to follow her, to protect myself.

As I followed her through the forest, I had to be more careful than usual. The girl had good ears and turned around multiple times, checking her surroundings. Thankfully the shadows of the trees provided me with a lot of shelter on every step. Which reminded me how stupid and reckless her decision to leave the house were. And where would she even go?

That was answered quickly for me when I saw her head for the brothel. Still, my eyes must have deceived me. She did not just risk her life for… for… sexual interactions.

I was fuming when I saw her enter the wobbly house and talk to that greasy looking hag. She wanted sexual relief? She wanted to have other men feel her good?

No way, I'll let her. I didn't forget her teasing and cold attitude after making me so hot. Revenge will be mine and I will make her beg to release her.