An hour and a half after the meeting began, the energy in the chamber made a full 180, as the place started being swarmed with practically naked people.

Not practically, but completely.

Before I die, I am going to kill Covyn. Couldn't he make his research and somehow got the information that today's guests will only be members of male sex?

Oh, and remember how the atroni-which is what the human sex toys were called, I learned- were not supposed to be only children, but mostly young adults? Yeah, not today.

As it turned out the sick crowned piece of shit wanted to touch particularly young meet today…and as I was seeing it happen, it took real effort to swallow my vomit and not give out my location.

Fuck! Also how in the name of all that is holly am I supposed to successfully hide between little boys?

Still, that somehow wasn't the worst realization that hit me, not when I got a good look at the atroni.

The oldest one couldn't have been more than thirteen years-old! But the worst was that thirteen seemed a lot compared to a baby.

Yes, a baby. A non-talking, not-even-crawling-yet baby.

Well, babies, actually. And please don't make me describe what the war heroes of the kingdom were doing with them.

I was so frustrated, I almost started laughing hysterically.

It took me sometime to actually realize how fucked I am. I was practically dead.

I started shaking, my chest started feeling tight and I started to feel hot in my body. Was it the fear of death, the paedophilia, a sudden feeling of deafening loneliness, I couldn't tell you.

Breathe, Alex! Breathe. I tried soothing myself, but it didn't work. I was going to die and I won't be able to help all these poor souls trapped in their lives.

It was only when I spotted the little bitch of a prince in a corner, looking almost anxious, life returned into me with a help of this little thing called anger.

It fuelled me and even inspired me to come up with new life moto: fuck him, fuck the plan and fuck them all.

I will do damage and I couldn't care less if I ruin the prince's plans, he was a monster just like the others, not doing anything about the horrors in the room.

I took my bow and arrows and I shot. Several arrows at the time.

Even when the arrow hit the king in the eye and a general to his left in his abdomen, and the room erupted in the chaos I didn't stop.

I shot and shot and shot, releasing the spell that hid me from the wolves and exposing my location.

Soon, I got knocked down and just before I lost my consciousness, I heard the familiar icy voice command: "Don't kill her, throw her in the jail and let me make her wish she died."

I smirked.

I couldn't have given less fuck for what will happen with me, I would endure everything, the memory of me killing the king and thirteen of his generals will keep me going. Fuck them all.

Covyn's POV:

I should have known. Goddammit, I should have known!

Of course she was going to do it her own way the moment she realized she was about to die.

I took several deep breaths trying to calm myself down. But if you told her that there would only be boys at the meeting she wouldn't have agreed to go, it was a risk worth taking, my brain tried to rationalize it to me.

Was it though? I managed to persuade the remaining half of the generals to keep the death of the king quiet and have maybe managed to postpone the war for some time, although I knew it was inevitable.

Curse you, Diana.

After my little talk with the generals I have spent a better part of the day and night gathering information on our military forces and whether or not were we prepared for the coming war.

Of course I already knew that our forces were strong before I started the whole mutiny against my father, so this was mostly a front, the logical step I, as the future king had to take.

Nevertheless, I have ordered the remaining generals to prioritize military business and soldier recruitment for the following few weeks and only deal with the most important diplomatic affairs.

I was just going through my late father's papers, when someone knocked on the door.

"Sorry for bothering you, sir." The guard in sandy hair said with trembling voice, he must have been a few years younger than me, a green fellow. "The girl has gained conscious."

What a line. "She's awake? Great, I'll be down in a minute."

"Yes, sir!" The guard saluted and closed the door and I couldn't help but to smile at the gesture.


When the guard, Nikos, and I arrived to the dungeons, I saw murder.

There she was, still dressed in that dumb excuse of a dress, tied to a wood in a very secluded part of the tunnels. But she wasn't alone, no. There was also this musty piece of shit in a cell with her, twisting her nipples.

I felt anger consume my body and I had to physically stop in my step to not lose my shit. That man will lose his life tonight.

I took a deep breath and approached the cell a bit more intimidating than probably necessary.

"What-" I started slowly, making sure my voice will echo, "are you doing?"

The musty fucker at least had the decency to shriek at the sight of me and take a step away from her.

"Sir," he bowed his head deeply, "I was just guarding the prisoner, sir."

"Really? And what kind of guarding method were you preforming? I must say I am not familiar with it? And why does it involve open doors" I said with icy tone, although a corner of my eye caught Diana trying her best to hold back a laugh.

"Er…sorry, sir. I wasn't going to open the door and approach her, she just wouldn't shut up, so I thought I would take more personal approach."

I bet she wouldn't, the little demon. I had to really check myself to not smile at her. God, what was going on with me!

"You did you job poorly, Mister…"

"Gib, sir, at your service." The man bowed again.

"Gib, join me for the nightly surveillance of the castle grounds in three hours." And be ready to lose your head.

However, it seemed that the guard didn't pick up on my intention when he beamed up at me: "Yes, sir, I would be happy to, sir."

I nodded my head and dismissed him. "Nikos, accompany him till the exit and wait there until I call for you."

The yessir's followed and then me and vixen were finally alone and I was finally able to take a good look at her. My eyes followed her curves, stopping on her neck, her collarbones. The sight of her breasts and nipples made me swallow hard, my eyes then followed the curve of her hips, thighs and finally travelling back to her eyes.

Good god, she was gorgeous, even with that murderous glare on her face.

"You like what you see?" She asked furiously.

"Yes, very much." I replied, deciding I could have some fun with her now that she was vulnerable in front of me for the first time.

I placed my fingers on her temple, slowly tracing her skin under her eye to her upper lip, being very aware how both of our breaths grew deeper with the bare touch.

I traced the shape of her lips, taking her lower lip between my thumb and forefinger, lowered my head to her ear and whispered in her ear: "You're so beautiful, thank you for killing my father." Before I took a step back I placed a quick kiss on her cheek.

As I took her face in again, I was rewarded with the best gift, a genuine, deep blush on her confused pale face.

We stared at each other for a while longer and this time I let my smile show.

"I thought you are going to be mad for it." She asked, her eyes searching my face.

"I was at first." I started, for once deciding for honesty, "you messed up my plans pretty badly and you may have thrown us all in war, but as I later thought about it I was surprisingly relieved that you did it." I chuckled at the memory, "Alongside half of my court."

"They all deserved it." She defended herself.

"They did, shame you couldn't wipe them all out." I smiled at her, "That would definitely make my work easier."

She gaped at me, as if she's not comprehending it. "Covyn…if…if this is one of your games, where you will play all nice with me, give me hope and then torture me to try and brake me, please don't."

I was very taken aback by her words, even more so with her almost desperate tone.

And then I realized.

She makes me forget. She makes me forget of the way I made myself be and awakens the old me, the me I for sure thought had died with my mother's murder. and I completely understood why was she so afraid, there is nothing worse than losing the last hope you have. I understood her, because, as I just realized, in some fucked up way, she was my hope.

Once more I took in her figure, this time noticing her slouched shoulders, bended knees barely holding her up and her metal scratched wrists hanging. She was exhausted.

I couldn't help myself, I hugged her, snaking my hands around her back pressing her into me and myself into her. Resting my head on her shoulders I let myself speak, with as much sincerity as I mustered:

"My father was a cruel man, abusing power to torment whoever he pleased whenever and wherever he pleased. He was a deranged dog and I am happy he died. I have planned killing him myself, but in pure honesty, I never really thought I would manage pulling it off. No matter how monstrous he was, I loved him, at the end, he was all I had and I hated myself for it.

He killed my mum, you know. Because just like with everything else in his miserable life, he thought he had a right to her, that she belonged to him and was his to use for whatever he wanted. And one night, after she aborted my sister, he wanted her. To re-impregnate her, to punish her, I don't know, but he wanted her. The problem, however was that she didn't want him, not that night, so he took her…and then took her again, putting her through so much pain, her heart couldn't take it."

My voice quivered during the last sentence and I felt Diana rest her cheek on my head, giving me time and allowing me to breath.

"I was seven, then and I heard my mother screaming from my room, so I went to check and witnessed how life left her body. My father was so consumed by his monster, he didn't even hear me when I hid under the desk across the room. To this day I don't know why I stayed and watched. Why I watched him violate my mother's corpse for the entire night. I was so scared I was just like him, that's part of the reason why I never touched anyone. Until you, that is. With you I learn about myself, you release me from my own shackles, when I'm around you, no matter how much you annoy me, I enjoy it, because it's the only time I feel like I can actually breathe. Diana…"

"Alex," she interrupted, "my real name is Alexandra."

That information made me cackle, of course she lied about her name, smart girl. I took a step back and held her face in my arms, smiling genuinely at her, satisfied she finally trusts me.

"Alexandra," I tested the strange name on my lips, "Alex, I'm sorry. I am so sorry I didn't tell you about the all boy atroni, so sorry for giv-

"You knew?!" She roared with the volume I was surprised she mastered, I thought for sure it was over twenty-four hours since she last had some water.

"Alex…" I tried.

"Don't you fuckingdare, Covyn! You knew that I would likely die this morning and now you dare coming here giving me this heart-melting bullshit about how I am making you breathe, like bitch, I almost lost the ability to because of you!"

"I'm so sorry, but I had to-

"Oh, yeah, that I understand. Really, I do and once I calm down I could forgive you that, the dress however…" the moment she locked her eyes on me I shivered.

Oh, she made me shiver with fear! I don't remember when was the last time someone-wait, focus.

The temperature in the room dropped significantly, making me notice the snowflakes.

"Alex, you have to calm down. They mustn't know you can do magic." I said seriously, still not really daring to touch her.

"You put me in this napkin, knowing it will be useless…why?" She said with her eyes closed, trying all the breathing exercises to calm herself.

"Erm…well, it would sound kind of stupid now." I almost stuttered.

"WHY?" She said, her voice eerily loud.

"Revenge." I composed myself and said with the usual cold voice I used as a mask. "I wanted to embarrass you, just like you embarrassed me."

"Because of this dress," she took another deep breath in. "Because of this dressed I have been cold the entirety of last night, of today and don't even let me start on that guard, who by the way should know that the dress is not an invitation. Is there anyone who can actually use their brain here?"

"Don't worry about him, he won't live to see the rise of the day." At that she raised her eyebrows. "And I will have them bring you some more concealing clothes."

"Make them bring some food to, will you? And water. A key would be great, too, actually."

"I can't let you go." I said calmly.

"No? So what's the plan then? To keep me chained in a dungeon forever? Sounds quite kinky."

"No." I glared back, "You will have to escape, after being tortured for a while."

"Chains and spanking? Must admit I am surprised, didn't think you had it in you, you dumb fu-

Her words, whatever they might have been, got lost between our lips as I kissed her. After I finally got to taste her again, renewing the memory of the feel of her soft lips, of her tongue's movement and of those little noises she makes.

The sole touch of our lips joined us together, both body, as we pressed ourselves against each other, and soul. As our tongues moved and as my hands travelled her body, I found myself promising everything to her.