Alex's POV:

I must say that Covyn's visit started out quite promisingly, but unfortunately that didn't last long. I knew, ok, I was perfectly aware why he had to make it seem like he tortured me, why he made my eye swell up, why he pierced my lip-although, to be honest I was kind of glad to get some liquid in my mouth, even if it was my own blood. Still, it hurt. A lot. And I may be slightly salty because of it.

You just don't kiss the killer of your father senseless and then beat them up, ok? That's just wrong (the beating up part, let's make no mistake).

Standing in the dungeon, chained, cold and aching I almost collapsed with joy, when I saw Nikos bringing me stuff, even though he took his time.

"I brought you some clothes and food as per the prince's orders." He said, voice slightly distasteful. The look in his eyes reminded me that now was not the good time to play the clown I so like to use as a shield, so I just nodded with restrained appreciation, wary of his hands and of how is he exactly planning to get me in clothes.

After he put down the tray with food, safe distance away, he approached me. "I was given orders to untie your hands and lock your feet. I am warning you that I have been granted permission to use whatever means necessary to get my task done well."

I barely stifled a laugh, was he even human? No wonder Covyn started taking a liking in him. He came closer and first put my pants on. The whole thing was very uncomfortable for me, considering I have been practically naked and not granted a single bathroom break, that's all I am going to say. He took out the socks and threw them by my naked feet.

I guess even a rooky guard wasn't feeling like going on his knees, making sure an assassins feet weren't cold. He then proceeded chaining my feet and assuring himself that the chains weren't too long and wouldn't allow me too much movement around the chamber.

After that he tried throwing me, what I assumed was a threating look, but in all honesty, he looked just like a grumpy kitten, adorable. That made me notice that he was very young, about Ro's age.

Still, I had to play the part, so I raised an eyebrow challenging him to unchain me, which made him swallow hard.

Yay, I guess I still had that intimidating side of me, goddesses had it been long since I last touched it.

But I played nice, no need to give the boy a heart attack. After my wrists were finally free, I absent-mindedly rubbed them, before something woollen hit my head.

"You will be getting one meal a day," Nikos said scrunching his nose at my revealed torso, "way to many, if you ask me, but I guess the prince would like to have you in a better shape while…" he trailed of, a smirk replacing his words.

Slightly sociopathic, this kid.

Why does that make me like him more?


It has now been about four hours after Nikos visited, although it might have as well been a decade.


One thing they don't tell you when it comes to the whole being jailed thing is how boring it is. Goddesses, I am going to lose it. I tried my best doing all things possible to keeping myself entertained: trying to break the chain, staring at the wall, trying to pick the lock, staring at the wall and of course, staring at the ceiling.

Sighing, I slowly started wishing that Covyn would soon return and continue torturing me.

I debated using magic to escape, but that wouldn't be smart, they clearly made this chains unbreakable for natural forces, plus I would throw a really bad light on the prince. First killing half of his court, then breaking out of his unbreakable dungeon.

Maybe tomorrow.

After more painful hours passed by, I finally started feeling the exhaustion come over me. It's been days since I last had some good sleep and even though stone floor didn't exactly promise comfort, I prayed that I will be able to close my eyes for more than eight hours.

Sadly, my prayers weren't answered.

Although I am unsure of how much time passed since I closed my eyes, my body told me it wasn't the desirable amount of time.

I was awoken by drunk laughter and heavy feet stomping towards my cell. Not really expecting any of these sounds belonged to Covyn, panic slowly started to rise in me.

"Baby!" someone called, making my skin crawl. "Show us those tits, baby." Another repugnant tone pleaded and soon I saw several musty-looking drunken guards grabbing bars of my cell.

I was lying on my side, facing the men, keeping my eyes closed and thanking goddesses there were bars between us.

"Hello, baby," one of them tried to speak sweetly, "I see they put you in clothes, what a shame." He faked a pout and others grunted in agreement, there must have been at least six of them there.

I put all my focus on keeping my body as still as possible, without looking stiff and uncomfortable.

"You know, baby," the unnerving voice spoke again, "there is this rumour spreading across the castle…" he let his voice trailing off, while absent-mindedly tracing the bars and closely watching my body for any reaction, I didn't give any.

"The rumour," he started again, a small smile playing on his lips, "is that there is a girl locked in our dungeons, a girl, that killed a lot of men recently, a girl with amazing tits. So, we thought we would pay you a visit and see for ourselves."

Bars. I kept reminding myself, there are bars in between you and them, everything is fine, they are just trying to scare you.

"Is she dead?" one drunk voice said, "Is that even her?" another one asked, "Yeah, Gib said she was naked. This ain't her!"

I released a breath, hoping that they might leave me alone, but unfortunately the worst happened.

In the dim-lit hallway I saw a pair of hands hold a single key in front of ferocious smile that I will probably never forget.