After some time ha passed,.... about one hour and several minute after our heroic rabbit got blasted and lost consciousness around the premises of the area she was in, the whole area quieted down, and one could no longer hear the wolfs in the area and where they hard gone, in one Corner of the forest the huge purple snake, that ones laid died was no were to be found, it was still night but only the aftermath of the battle between the park wolfs and snake was left there.


[ host currently condition =bleeding= and has 10% hp left ,]

[will host like system to enhance recover with current =MT point= ]

[ if host does not reply, the host only has 2 min before dearth]

i heard a sound only to wake up to the system telling me that i am about to die, i felt so much pain in my body that i cant move at all, it fells like some one stabbed me multiple times with a knife, so at that moment, i was not thinking an just wanted the pain to go away, so i gave into the systems request.

"yes places, this pain is unbearable "


[integrating =MT point= and processing mutation process.....]

[ mutation commence ,10 min for completion .....10%...34%.....67%......




[Mutation process successful, ....]


[host has accrued skill= recover(E)=passive, from mutation of blood line.]


[self recover commence, will take 25 mins...10%...40%....


....80%...100%,.... ]


[recovery successful in progress, host my check status]

after hearing what the system said my body suddenly fill a lot better, the pain that was like hell to me suddenly want away and only the numbing felling was left, i couldn't help but to laugh.....

"hahahhhha, i will live , i will really live. hahhha"

then i suddenly stopped laughing after i hard some beast noises in the distance, my cute bunny face came up from the ground, looked around in fear of some dangerous beast finding me, then listened to the sound carefully, when i sew that those monster where no longer around i had a sigh of relief.

"fist let access the situation, seeing that i am a rabbit and thinking about the bomb blast .... so i died and am currently reincarnated as a rabbit also got cut up in a battle between two big brother monsters and am currently hanging on my last life line..... that just great .... i don't know if i should be sad or gratefully hahah.....ha"

" thinking about it now,...i got a system right, so fist let check my states and see what i can do, status"


" yes ,it really dose work how those novel said it will ,ok let see what i can do maybe i will have some opped skills and state like in those novels"




AGE = 3 days

GENDER= Female

SPECIES = Ringed rabbit


LEVEL = 1 {XP = 0/10}

{HP = 2/ 10 }, {MP = 4/10}, {SP = 6/10}

ST = 2

AG = 3

VT = 2

IN = 3

CM = 2

MT point {3}

{ skills }


(gives boost when hoping or jumping, 5mp)


(enhances limbs to give out put of power , 0/0mp)

=recover(E)= passive

(auto heal as long as mp sustains)

after seeing my status i was very disappointed, you see i have played enough games to know that my state and skills are absolute trash, and i suddenly thought of .....

" ehhhhh maybe i am still knocked out from the blast an having a bad dream because if not.... , i think maybe just maybe god made a mistake and turn me into a rabbit and still forgot to put my state with four or five digit and what about my over powered skillssssss, i think i can make a complain to god"

and with that i had a complete plane in mind, so i implemented it, to the best of my ability....

"Oooooo god or great Budi, i know you made a mistake, i wont blame you, just come and fix it my status and give me my five digit state and over powered skill"

i said waiting for an answer, but instead i got this.....


[host mental condition seems to be abnormal, request host to go for treatment]

"f*ck you, i am talking to god here, go away and mind your own business"

i said getting very very very irritated at this f*cking system, but still got this....


[ host condition might turn out to be permanent, advice host to seek treatment immediately ]

i was speechless ...0_0.....0_0....., after some few minute of constant complain and trying to send god massages and failing, i then accepted my faith to be one day eating by one of the big brother monsters in the forest, at list that what i thought until....


[host condition is currently fully recovered, host can check status]

after hearing what the system said i was very happy,

"what really f*ck yaa this girl is going to survive .... status?..."




AGE = 3 days

GENDER= Female

SPECIES = Ringed rabbit


LEVEL = 1 {XP = 0/10}

{HP = 10/ 10 }, {MP = 10/10}, {SP = 10/10}

ST = 2

AG = 3

VT = 2

IN = 3

CM = 2

MT point {3}

{ skills }


(gives boost when hoping or jumping, 5mp)


(enhances limbs to give out put of power , 0/0mp)

=recover(E)= passive

(auto heal as long as mp sustains)

after confirming that my statues was bark to normal, i stated to check out my skills and other abilities to see if i can use them because one of the fundamentals of survival is the ability to focus, not panic, adapt to your environment and the situation you are in, at list that is what my dad thought me on one of our forest hikes in the country side,

i thought it would take long to learn how to use the skill i had, i thought even if i trained, it would take some time, but that was not the case at all, i don't know maybe it was my in bone ability as a monster or my human brain adaptive ability, but to my surprise through the help of the system, it can be activated with little effort but controlling it was a different thing, one hour an seven minute later i was final able to move properly but cold only use ring skill effectively.

i also confirm many things from the system just to be sure that my knowledge of earth game (status states system) applies here and just as expected it does and they are as follows...

=strength= power,

=agility= speed and mobility,

=endurance= defence ,

=vitality= hp, intelligence= mp ,

=charm= attractiveness .

after viewing my states, I came to a conclusion that the reason all this bad thing have been happening was because I had no {LUK} in my states, but when I decided to ask the system, that f*cking....eeehhhmm did not answer me, but instead responded with this...


[MT point sources detected, 11 meters away from host]

i was alarmed, because this thing was what saved me ,an if it could do it once it can do it again. so I came to a conclusion to trust the system a little and go find it, I shifted my head and look around one more time to confirm that there was no danger around me,.....before shifting to the direction the system was pointing to and hopped away in that direction.


following the system directions which was very hard by the way, as my ring glowed, all i could see the more i followed the systems directions that was mention, are all tall grasses which covered the whole place, so i could move in hiding without getting the attention of any other dangerous monsters....

on my way i saw four(4) other rabbits that looked the same as me but bigger, the strange thing was that they were moving in the complete opposite direction in which i was going,.... which by the way gave me a very bad premonition and gave me a very bad felling, the rabbits looked at me but did not pay attention to me, one can see in their mouth flesh of other rabbit and some big insect in it as they pass by me.

i ignored them as i hopped towards my destined please...
