rabbits first night out and Mr beetle (part 2)


hi guys i will be incorporating FIRST PERSON(1 person) speech pattern, where she try to speak for her self, to explain the events that take place ,rather than the world voice (WV) but don't worry i will also keep the WOLD VOICE(W voice) in some parts.



in a part of the Aliner forest, we see a little red coloured rabbit going deeper and deeper into the forest, the reason why this action was strange is because, the more you go into the deeper forest , the more the monsters get extremely stronger, so weaker animals tend to run away or generally avoid this places....were dangerous monsters live, which are so strong that they can kill and eat her in a matter of second, but why these little monster decided go there..... only the gods know...


i only spend a second looking at this bigger rabbit before i continue to hop in the direction that the system was directing me, to attend my appointment with destiny, but when i am like a meter away from my destination . bang !....

i flew and hit the ground, i don't know what happened, but i know it is as painful as hell, i bring my head up to look at the side that hurts, and i see a deep cut in my stomach, i mean very deep cut


[threat detected, host current condition =bleeding= ]

[host has lost 10%hp.....13%hp...!15%hp....]

i was in panic after hearing the system announcement, so i looked up at the direction of my attacker...what i saw was,.....a sinister looking beetle monster, about 14cm tall, black shell that covered its whole body, small hone all over it body and three big ones on its head. this monster also look seriously injured and several of it limbs were missing, it look at me like a dead pray, which sends shivers down my spine.....it suddenly stated running in my direction to finish me up,..... i think, but then i confirmed my thought because, it then point toward me all 3 hones on it head, out of fear i activated my skill =spring= not minding my bleeding stomach, the constant pain, or the system massages,... i instantly hopped away from it strike zone.....

after i managed to avoid the hit, i turned an ran with all i had in the direction that the system pointed me to,.... but as i got closer and closer to my destination, all i sew was a black rock ahead of me, when i got close to the rock, i hit the ground with all my strength and jumped on the huge black rock, after i landed on the rock i hard a sound right behind me, ...bang...bang...bang....., still felling very afraid i then looked back to see the beetle smashing it head on the rock, for some unknown reason it could not climb the huge rock, seeing this happen, i thought of some thing and said.

"ooooooh, Mr. beetle, i am innocent, it was not me, it was the other rabbit that took your children. i can tell you the way they went if you let me go,...there went that way "

i pointed to the direction opposite to my own and decided to put the blame on the four rabbits i saw some time ago, i was thinking of given him the right to get justice for itself, i am not doing this to save my ass, definitely not... hahaha... ok moving on....however what i did not expect was that my plane would not work, i think i was expecting to much from a brainless insect,...it did not work, the stupid monster just kept, for some reason i don't really know, it only keep hitting the rock harder and harder ...bang....bang ...bang..

i decided to look down on the Point the beetle was hitting, then i saw on the black rock, some cracks which were already there and other smaller cracks on it coursed by the beetle horns, which were erected, the beetle unknowingly ran and got its head and some of its front legs stuck in one of the bigger cracks there,...i felt pity for it, but i quickly pushed that thought to the bark of my mind, when i remembered what it did to me, then i had a good idea,...my eye shined as i hopped down, and position my self facing the beetle side body, then i used =spring= to charge forward impacting it with my head, making the black needle like horns on its body to piece in deep into its side, the beetle struggle but after few minute it died.

after which i realized it was a bad idea because, i hard a very very bad headache and a very big bump on my heard, which i almost feinted because, but i manage to stabilize myself but still felt the pain, but then i realized how amazing it is that my head was stronger than the beetles spiky body, plus how stupid what i just did was, i mean what if its body was stronger than my head,... lets not think of that and promise never to do it again.... maybe.,....but all that will be gone very soon becou...


[ host killed a monster 3 level above host, gain 25 Exp]


[ host as level up]

as i heard the system massage i was relieved because, if i level up all my wounds will heal, afterword waiting a little to calm down i horridly moved away from the beetle, i looked at it one more time before i decided to check my status

"yes, it worked... and i almost died yeeeeee... lets not do that again, oohh i level up ok let check my states again, Status..."





AGE = 3 days

GENDER= Female

SPECIES = Ringed rabbit


LEVEL = 2 {XP = 15/30}

{HP = 2/ 10 }, {MP = 4/15}, {SP = 6/10}

ST = 3

AG = 3

VT = 3

IN = 4

CM = 2

MT point {7}

{ skills }


(gives boost when hoping or jumping, 5mp)


(enhances limbs to give out put of power , 0/0mp)

=recover(E)= passive

(auto heal as long as mp sustains)

after see my status i was happy that my hp was no longer decreasing and i had a slight boost in it

"hhhhhhm not bad, at least i have slightly more hp now, my strength even increased and even my MT point increase to. hhhhhhhm

after seeing my Mt pints i decided to ask the question that has been on my mind all this time

" system ,do i get MT point from killing to? "


[host is correct, one can get MT point from killing and devouring monsters corpse ]


[host should consume =Black beetle= corpse for more MT point]


" why did you not tell me such a important thing"


[ because host did not ask ]

i was left speechless, i started to think that if i did not die getting eating by a big brother monster in the forest, i will die mentally because of the system...
