rabbits first night out and bad meal(part 5 final)

i continued my feasting and eating on many different parts of of different monster some very small but the most commonly seen one were the parts of the wolf and for many minute i continued like this and be for i noticed it the time that was set by the system elapse with out me even noticing.

i heard many different sounds of different monsters coming from the environment out side the cave but for some reason non of them got close, so i asked the system why

"system why is no monster coming close to the cave ?"


[because this cave has been marked the territory of the minor area southern boss]

"ok ,ooo what is the time for its return, i should still have a few mins to get out of here"


[time has elapse but hos does not need to worry because the system cant register the area boss life signature in any close proximity to the host or the cave,

"wait what time is up, and the ... boss, system explain "


[ the system cant register the life signature, this has brought two possibilities

= the area boss is dead (50%)

=the area boss has relocated to another area (10%)

= the area boss has marked it territory in another cave (15%)

=the area boss is out levelling (25%)

it is highly likely to be the first possibility]

"shyyy you almost gave me a heart attack, so there is no danger present in the vicinity, right? "


[affirmative, host is safe in the area of 40 miter around the cave]

after hearing what the system said i was relived because i could let my guard down a little, but i a suddenly thought of some thing that is able to kill the area boss will it not come back to the boss house to claim it, i was so worried, so i decided to ask the system.

"system the creature that killed that boss will it not come to claim the boss cave?]


[negative, the monster with the highest possibility to kill a minor area boss is another one and that area boss should have its one ruling territory, and if it kills another boss the territory automatically belongs to him, so the possibility of it coming to the cave is less than 40%]

after hearing the system i was relived that i hard a little time because even though the percentage is a little high it is not that high so according to my calculation that gives me a little time, so i continue my feast felling at list a little less agitated. and then i hear several system notification after an hour and some minute


[host has extracted purple scorpion = black poison gland=]

[host has extracted marronal cat = 3 acid mouth tail=]

[host has extracted green frog= stick tough=]

[ host has extracted night wolf =smoke fur=]

[ host has extracted night wolf =sliver fang and nail=]

[ host has extracted night wolf =wolf vain=]

[ host has levelled up]

[ding host....levelled up]

[ding,,...levelled up]

after hearing the system massage i continued to eat, as i was eating, i saw a wolf that was mostly intact and was slightly bigger than the rest so i went over to it and stated to eat, but this one did not taste as good as the rest but it still tasted far better than the beetle, as i was eating i swollen some kind of black gem that was mix in with one of the organs.

i dent know what it was but then suddenly my body began to shake violently, i felt like some one just pumped a huge amount of energy into my body and even when it look like i was full, the energy did not stop coming, at the same time i felt a huge burst of pain all over my body, that felt like some one was piling of my skin and dragging my organs out it felt so terrifying, then surddenly the amount of energy intensified, and i felt like some one was trying to forcefully fit a car into my small body. the feeling of joy i hard when i was eating was now replaced by terror and pain .

as my fur continued to pill off and blood came out of my body, i could not stand it any more and fell to the hard ground because of the pain and i stated crying, i tried to scream the pain away but nothing could come out of my mouth then.....


[ Warning Warning, large source of energy detected]

[Warning, to much energy could be harmful to host body, {initiating safety protocol} ]


[MT point source detected commences with extraction....., 10%...60%...91%.....100%]

i was on the hard ground going true hell, all i could do was cry and wish that this pain will go away soon, but suddenly i felt a wave of drowsiness and fatigue all over my body, and at that moment i could not hold my self any more and lost consciousness...


[ system safety procedure initiated = SLEEP MODE = successful ]
