Aliner forest out break (SIDE CHEAPTER)


=W voice=

in a hug fort that span over 3 km wide with a wall that is almost reaching 2km high there is a watch tower at the centre of this fort which as high as 4km into the sky, and on top of this watch tower stood a man which look to be in late 40tes but the aura he exudes says different of him, he has short brown hair, blue shape eyes, is 1.7 m tall with wall developed muscular all over, he was wearing a black military with intricate patters all over it, with a coat which reach his kneels, this coat hard a golden design on the bark of it that looks like a dragons heard, there is a small barge of a horse on the left side of his coat.

with one look you can see him gazing over at the forest with a cooled expression on his face, on this night which is usually not common for this particular person, he opens is mouth to speak,

" shadow report, what is the situation in south side of the forest "

at the mention of his name ,the figure came down from the roof of the tower and kneels before the man this figure was clothed all in black which looks like that a ninja and he said

" sir,..... the minor lords of the south are beginning to from groups with the two mid lord of the south to go against each other, i think there will soon be a break out, plus there is a possibility of a third mid lord in the south, and the whole southern part of the forest is unstable, and monster are rushing out of the forest because of the clash of the two mid lord. many of this monsters a above level 30 , if not dealt with a huge tide of monsters may rush out of the forest soon."

he pursed what he was saying and looked up at the man then continued

" there is currently a clash between the night wolfs and purple snakes all around the south but the wolf out number them so, i think the snake lord will soon fall in the hand of the night wolf lord"

he said facing down with a grief expression, and worried look on his face, but when he looked up again at the man standing before him, with which the barge he was wearing represented his rank General in command of the southern fort. the general face was cold and did not show any sign of emotion, and finally after a moment of absolute silence he opened his mouth,

" send sergeant Jark with 500 solders to the southern part of the forest to suppress the monster tide, make sure to keep close watch on them, and report to me the condition of the forest. if it only the south then it is still some thing we can handle as long as we do not catch the attention of the high forest lord, they have 3 days to prepare, that is all you are dismissed "

and as soon as those words lest his mouth, the shadow disappear immediately from his place out of fear and the watch tower was brought into silent again.




in the southern parts of the forest 20km from the location of the fort, a purple snake 4m tall with 2 hones on it head that looked identical to the other purple snake that our rabbit saw, but much bigger it was currently also surround by 25 night wolfs also a little bigger than the wolf our rabbit met with around 40 already dead scattered all over the place . the purple snake was wounded seriously and some part of it scales are on the forest floor with many parts of the snake missing from its body, the snake look tied and weak it tuned its heard looking at the wolfs then suddenly from the trees came out a white wolf whish was around 2m tall, it looked at the snake with a bust of red aura around it body then it ran with amazing speed to wounds the snake, within a seconds it was already in the air and it hug claw came slamming down on the snake head with which the snake cold not react in time because of its body condition ,sending it down to the ground making a big crater, the wolf did not give it a chance to rest, it appeared again on the ground strikes his claw out then .... bang.. bang...bang.... with a piercing sound the snake died, the wolf ripped off the head of the snake with its shape claws and took the purple crystal from in-between the organs of the snake, with the crystal in its mouth the wolf proceeded to swallow it, after which it lift the rest of the snake for the other wolfs and walk back into the trees...

when all this was happening our little rabbit was current ..... taking a good night rest.