rabbit scout the forest ( antelope vs. ant)

after all the event that happened yesterday i hard e very good night sleep,.....i woke up early this morning with a very devastating hunger which i wonder why because i eat a lot of corpse last night ,but sadly i looked over at the remaining corpse of the monsters in the cave, if they get more rotten than this then i don't think i can handle eating it and the smell is so bad, plus i don't think i would get more points from them, so i decided to go out early today and hunt for the day but this time i followed the opposite direction that i followed yesterday which lead me dipper into the dense forest with more trees the more you go on,... but i was not careless, i remained vigilant the whole time.

on my way into the deep forest, i killed(2) more beetle and saw some rabbit which i ignored, but when i just went ahead a few meter, i heard some disturbing sounds from behind me, and so i look back i was surprised to see the rabbits eating such disgusting monsters like the beetle that i killed, they were stuffing it down their mouth like some kind of wild anim...."~".....wait are they not wild animals....with that thought i put the whole event at the back of my mind and proceeded forward.

after some time of repeating the same event i managed to kill (12) more beetles and this guys(other rabbits ) just continue to follow me and eat them up, it looks like i became the rabbit personal butcher for beetle and for free, it is seriously stating to get annoying, no and not because the are leeching of me nooo... its because they have almost doubled in number, i am stating to thing about getting reed of them or should i charge them for this but that will be for another time.

just as i was walking in dipper and thinking to my self then i hard...

"....bang ...bang.....baaaaang....vommmmm..... "


"what the hell was that ?..."

"well it got reed of my pest problem, they were starting to get troublesome..."


" well now i think its time to hid....its not because i am scared or any thing like that ..... Okeee"

after some hard deliberation, thinking, calculating the danger and my chance of escaping, i thought it will be ok to check out what made that sound but still in hiding of course.... i don't want to get killed by what ever it is, and it may profit me more if they where big doss fighting because then one will die and there will be a corpse for me to eat, but that wont happen because that will jut means that destiny is just KIND, but i know that its not....

i ran toward the direction while still hiding in the bushes, beside trees and in the shadows, but after a couple minute of continuous running and resting, i arrived at the seen and heed at the left side behind a tree and in a bush.....

what i saw surprised me an at the same time was very amazing, in a group of(7) ant, (3)were dead on the forest floor but the remain four ants where looking at a weird but beautiful looking very biiiiiiiiig antelope which was 1.5 meter tall, its skin was completely a nature like green colour, it horns were 1 meter tall that looked like crystal and glowed a crystallized green colour, it hard green coloured iris that glowed a feint nature like light green, with a pentagon shaped gem on its chest. it was an amazingly beautiful creature that looked like it was part of nature itself.... the more i looked at it the more i am captivated by its beauty and before i new it my heart start to beat rapidly....on the other hand, the ant where dark red in colour, was 1 meter tall, there is nothing really significantly different from the ants back on earth apart from there size, that it...

i tuned my attention back to the beautiful antelope and with a closer inspection of its body i could see on one side of the antelope upper parts of it horn was half broken with parts of it were all around the forest floor with blood spieled on the ground, the beautiful antelopes did not look in good shape, i could see it was probably tired from all the fighting but was not badly injured also if you ignore the broken horn it still looked very pretty.....


"what the f*ck is wrong with me....why am i acting this way..... forget it, lets concentrate on the fight"

when i looked back at the fight i was surprised to see the ant spit out a ball like water but any were it hit corroded and the beautiful antelope zoomed from place to place at amazing speed faster than my eye could catch, but suddenly the weird antelope stopped looked at the ant angrily its horns stated to glow the green and at that moment light flash and blinded my view, when i got my view bark the antelope was no were to be found.

i don't know what happen when the light flashed but i am sure that the beautiful antelope ran away to be honest i am a little sad that i won't be able to see such an amazing creature again ... or may be i will if i get strong enough, as i was lamenting over the issue raised my heard to see the ant were with a confused look on there faces how did i know well that a secret,.... the went close to the sport were the antelope disappear from, they circled the place for like three times before they raised their anteners, then they all look to the right where a small mountain was and headed to that direction, after that i confirmed with my system if the area is cleared.....

" hay system is there any more dangerous monsters around me...?"


[NO hostile presence detected, host is safe foe the moment]


"for the moment eeeer..... well what ever, notify me if you sense some thing"



after that i decided to check my status before proceeding with any thing so to confirm that i am in tip-top condition if there is an emergency






AGE = 3 days

GENDER= Female

SPECIES = Ringed rabbit


LEVEL = 7 {XP = 92/180}

{HP = 30/ 30}, {MP = 70/70}, {SP = 20/20}

ST = 10

AG = 9

VT = 7

IN = 15

CM = 2

MT point {70}

{ skills }


(gives boost when hoping or jumping, 5mp)


(enhances limbs to give out put of power , 0/0mp)


(auto heal as long as mp is sustained)


(coat the paws nail or claw with mana doubling the damage , 25mp)


"every thing is looking good... well time to get back to it ...ok lets go"

confirming with my system that the area was Clare and after checking my status that every thing was all right i ran out to get some point and maybe a light breakfast.....
