(rabbit) will to LIVE

after some much needed rest as i moved closer to the area where the ants died i looked around carefully to make sure it was Clare and safe, after my confirmation, i ran out then headed straight to the broken crystal like parts of the antelope horns on the forest ground, then i began to eat the parts, for some reason i thought it would be like eating glass, but it was the opposite of what i expected, it did not fell like eating glass, but icicle cool, sweet, hard candy.....i was getting a little addicted to it...., but it looks like if not for my sliver fang, it would have been almost impossible to break and eat, after eating the large parts of the horn, i went after the small once to eat them as well.


[host has exerted from astral antelope =crystal life horn=...



i was surprised by what i saw which has not happened before, so i decided to confirm from the system...

"hay system what's up with the grade and element thing, and why have i not seen it before in my mutation options?.."


[various materials or parts of various monsters that are used by humans and other intelligent races for forging weapons and armour, alchemy, inscription and various others are categorized into grads according to their usefulness, method of acquisition, mana quality and quantity and various other aspects,... its..]

"oooooo now i understand better its not to far from what i thought of, so what about the element thing....]



" hay system why did you stop explaining ?"


[ host its rude to interrupt when someone is talking, it shows a lack of respect]



"what did you say you mot***"


[as i was saying,.... different materials or monster parts have different verities of element in them it can range from basic ones like water to advance complex ones like space, this materials are gotten from either elemental cores from monsters which are mana stones that contains the monsters individual element or from naturally formed elemental stone, which has elemental mana that is mana that contains a particular element, in its dense environment]

i was surprised by what i read because the part of the monster i eat was just a little bit from its massive horn which lead me to the conclusion that it most have been very strong.... i also leaned a lot by the new option i got but did not ask any more question, i will live that for later...

after i finished eating the horn i turned my attention to look at the corpse of the ants on the forest floor there were a lot of them that i did not see before, after counting in total there were (26) ants dead....

"...now i understand why that beautiful antelope was hurt so badly....."

" i mean come on this guys can spet out acid.... that beautiful antelope most be very strong for it to still be standing after all there attack, i can only imagine how much it most have hurt....."

after coming out of my thoughts i began to wonder how i am going to get all this corpse back to my cave, the more i think about it the more angry i get, i wanted to slap the person who said that every reincarnate gets space storage,.... after being depressed for some seconds, i could only drag one of the corpse to the tick bush behind the tree and began to eat as fast as i can, after i was done i repeated this process all over again...

"god dam what is this shell mad of, why is it so hard.."

in the process of eating i looks like the shell of this ant almost broke my teeth, and that saying a lot about them considering how hard my teeth are now, for example i just eat a crystal horn but i cant eat a ant shell that well, then how did the antelope kill this ant... forget it i will just have to do with it,....after almost 4 and half hours of eating like 2 of this massive ants, the shell tasted lick some one gave me sand to eat but the inner parts tasted like shrimp which was very surprising.


[host has extracted from corrosive red ant =rider antener=]

[[host has ..... corrosive red ant =acid exoskeleton =]

[host has..... corrosive red ant = red acid vain =]

when i saw the first skill i was more than a little disappointed i mean what a let down do i really need it i have the system to help me with that but the rest of the skills are ok,... i gus .....but when i was about to complain then .....bang ....a big mantis like creature 1.5 meter tall appear out of no were and stayed to feed on the ant out there, i did not know if it could see me, but i will not wait for it to, i turned tails and ran back were i came from,..... after getting some distance from it wanted to sigh of relief,....but then


[threat detected]

"piccccce ,swooshhhhhe,"

then i hard a ....swooshing... sound. that was what i head and then a shiver went down my spine, but when i look up i saw half of my right ear gone,..... that is when the pain rushed to me, and let me tell you it hurt a lot, but the fear i felt coming from my back was 30 time more than the pain i was felling, so i ignored it but when i turned back i sew the mantis appear just 3 meters away from me .

" f*ck this is very bad"

i could now see it clearly than before when i was hiding a distance away from it. it was 1.5 metals tall, had two mandibles, a pear of wings at it back, was dark green in colour, had two long blades which look o.9 meter tall, and had a bloody aural around it, which made it look more evil like. at this moment hope was the last thing that will be on my mind and my only sorrow was that the system did not inform me of this creature until it was so close why, at that thought i now understood the benefits of that first skill i insulted to much.....well it was to late for regrets

the mantis monster raise it knife like limbs then slashed it at me, at that moment i saw a black like energy come out of its blade and was heading my way, in panic i used both =spring skill= and =ring skill= at once to give myself a boost on my =spring skill= to run away, when i was running for my life, not so far in front of me, i saw a hole on the forest ground close to a big tree, and so i want to make my escape into it, but then a black energy slash blasted the hole and cut the tree in half and me away, i hit the ground had and pain flow out all true my body and i new a lot of things were broken....


[ host has lost 15% hp ]

with blood on my body and a lot of broken bones within, i tried to stand up and left the pain at the back of my mind, as i tuned and gazed at the mantis which was just 2 meters away from me, which was just standing there looking at me as if it was playing with my life, i felt angry, sorrow and hatred for this creature just as i lost all hope..... but then

"booommmmmmmm ,boom.....boom...baaaaaaaaang"

i look in the direction of the sound and saw what seems like a clash of two monsters in the sky which i could not see well but one can see balls of fire rain from the sky in all direction and some where going in the direction of the mantis monster, i turned its head up word to look at the explosion of fire coming for it, but before it could hit the mantis used its blade to slash a more bigger black energy that was almost (3) the size of the one i used on me but some attack stilled manage to hit it after which i looked incredibly weaken, i took the opportunity stood up poured as much mp i could on my =ring skill= then used my =spring skill= in the direction of it and jumped towards its head, but when i was just half way in the air it turned his head and look at me reached it knife like limb to swing and slice me in half...

but then from the sky a fire ball came down shooting from the sky and exploded at the back of the mantis monster

"boooooooomm..... '

the explosion blasted the monster in towards my direction, so i used =slash skill= with all my remaining mana, the fire rain down from the sky, blew me away and i impacted a rock



[host has lot 75% hp]

i could not move so i look up and saw a rain of fire balls falling all around me, 7 meters away from me then a tube like organ fell on my face, then fell to the ground, when i looked at it i saw it had a big crystal on it like the one i found in the wolf inside my cave, in my desperation i forced my body out of the rock and moved forward then put the crystal in my mouth with the organ to hold it firmly, even if it kills me its better than being burned alive....i felt a huge surge of energy in my body that provided me what i needed, then i began to drag my bloody body toward the direction of my cave....

"I will not die, I must live"
