determined to survive (first evolution part (1)

as i left the area dragging my body along the forest floor with a trail of blood behind me, on my way i saw may monsters running away from the area, some big, some small but non paid me any attention, but because of the blood which entered my eyes from my ears, i could not see their figures well, i only saw a few that was very close to me, but i tried to avoid this monsters as much as i can and any small creatures which came to me i swept my claw with my strength and killed it with out hesitation, dropped the crystal for some few seconds, eat it then picked it up and continued on, i did this to try and recover as much as possible.... i repeated this process, but after some hours in this hell i finally herd the system notification....


[host has recovered 50% of hp]

[host has recovered 70% of mp]

[host body will start automatic recovery with passive =skill recovery=]

when i hard the system voice, i felt slightly less pain, also i could fell my body healing but very slowly, but i did not care about that because now i could move my body a little better, so instead of dragging my body on the forest floor i stood up then i hopped as fast as i can toward the direction of my cave,..... on my way i decided to check my status,...

"lets see how much i have recovered ...status....."





AGE = 4 days

GENDER= Female

SPECIES = Ringed rabbit


LEVEL = 10 {XP = 250/0}--Evolution >|

{HP = 30/ 40}, {MP = 70/85}, {SP = 20/30}

ST = 13

AG = 10

VT = 9

IN = 18

CM = 2

MT point {350}

{ skills }


(gives boost when hoping or jumping, 5mp)


(enhances limbs to give out put of power , 0/0mp)


(auto heal as long as mp is sustained)


(coat the paws nail or claw with mana doubling the damage , 25mp)

when i was checking my status i saw a lot of new things there but the one i was most happy about was the evolution because i proved that i can continue becoming stronger....after about 30 mint of continued use of =ring skill= and avoiding monsters which seems to pay me no mined, but i don't want to push my luck, they don't border me as long as i don't border their escaped, I finally was close reaching my cave, but i looked back and them i could see monsters fighting and the fire balls, and other types of attacks flying every where and some were coming closer to my direction, not waiting when i finally saw my cave, i ran at full speed into it, i did not stop till i rich the very back of the cave and hid at the most darkest part beside the wall, i did rather take my chance hiding in here than out there fighting with those monsters for my life.

boom.....boom... beng .....boooooooommm...



as i was hiding,.....i kept hearing sounds of explosion here and there, some times the cave shook because of the power behind the blasts, some times i could see clouds of dust and trunks of trees flying every were, but the cave did not collapse,... after confirming the integrity of the cave, i halved a sign of relief but remained vigilant in case any monster decided to enter the cave,... the sound kept on till night before finally calming down, i could not tell the time but it looks like i survived .

after every thing calmed down. i showed a smile of happiness, but before long as i thought of all the things i went throw today because i was small and weak, it was replaced with anger, hatred , bitterness and sorrow so i put my head on the hard cave ground and relaxed,..... the system has told me that my hp was recovering and almost full, but because i build up a lot of fatigue through pushing my self to the limit, i felt very sleepy.....but i know i most remain awake and vigilant for this very night were danger is at every side,....

ooooo and i also found out that some monsters that are waaaaay stronger than me can avoid the system detection through certain skills and also because of the use of certain things because when i was escaping i met such monsters, i instinctively felt fear because of the aura the were giving off but the system did not worn me so when i asked the system it responded with.....


[the system can only detect danger coming from monsters who relies =blood lost aura= when attacking]


"in order words if the monster is good at hiding its blood lost the system is incredible useless..."



"....ok i well take that as a YES..."

that gave me another reason to pike the ants =antenna skill= but i found out that if my level is high enough i can detect them before they attack me, but not now, after i found this out i became more vigilant and decided to get as strong as i can no matter what.

i look at the tube like organ from the monster that i am pretty sure belongs to the mantis, how do i know you ask , well because a part of its hard dark green exoskeleton was still stock to the organ, after looking at it for a while i eat the organ first, after that i then eat the crystal , i felt a huge surge of energy in my body much like that of the wolf but these time i did not feint....


[,host has extracted from wind mantis = crystal wings=



[MT source detected commence with extraction.....16%....68%.....89%.....100%....

extraction completed]

i felt a lot of pain and because of that i wanted to just lay down and sleep but after i remembered the danger out side, i stopped my self from sleeping and forced my self to stay awake throw out the process.... it lasted for almost 45mins but after the extraction ended, i felt so full of energy but at the same time incredible weak, i was even finding it hard to stay up and awake but i just hard to force my self to....


[host has extracted 90% of energy ,... host has rich required level for first evolution dose host want to commence ]

after i herd the system notification i decided to check my status before making a decision

" no not yet ....status....."





AGE = 4 days

GENDER= Female

SPECIES = Ringed rabbit


LEVEL = 10 {XP = 870/0}--Evolution >|

{HP = 30/ 40}, {MP = 70/140}, {SP = 20/30}

ST = 13

AG = 10

VT = 9

IN = 29

CM = 2

MT point {590}

{ skills }


(gives boost when hoping or jumping, 5mp)


(enhances limbs to give out put of power , 0/0mp)


(auto heal as long as mp is sustained)


(coat the paws nail or claw with mana doubling the damage , 25mp)

after looking at my status and being satisfied with what i see, i tuned and looked at the entrance of the cave one more time, and looked around the cave to make sure i was well hidden, after i confirmed that all was fin....

" ok system commence evolution "

i said with excitement but suddenly for unknown reason i felt tired and was force to sleep


[command received.....commencing evolution]



[ evolution option processing ....15%.....78%...92%...100%, processing complete host can chose from evolutionary option]

i opened my eyes to see myself in a white room devoid of any life, but my attention was pooled to the green transparent screen in front of me that looked like my system window, but for some reason i felt it wasn't...

" wait were am i and why does my system looks different.., aaaaaah my heard hurts it look like i fell unconscious in the cave..... so what now, wait i can evolve now finally system show me my options"


[displaying evolution option.....

== (wolfin ring rabbit)==

== (mana rabbit)==

==(big ring rabbit)==

==(horned ring rabbit )==... ]

i herd a voice that was different from my system, it was more robotic and cold without any emotion ....but i decided to ignore it for latter and concentrate on my evolution....

" i cant understand any of this system let me see their explanation or some thing "


[==(wolfin ring rabbit)==

a wolf like rabbit mostly found in the dark mangav forest has extremely long ear and a tail, body shape like a wolf but has lot of fur. it has great physical ability. rarely seen because of special ability

skill= black bone( passive) ,=(tail wipe,)=(wolf kin (rear)=

weakness = light magic and holy magic

EVO potential= high

"may be i would consider it but let take a look at the others first "

==(mana rabbit)==

a rabbit which glows and is crystal blue in colour, has and can utilize mana, its very delicious which is eating by both monsters and other intelligent races which helps to increase the mana pool of living beings, almost to extinction even buy it kind ( other rabbit) when seen .

skill= (joyfully taste)=(mana seed)=

weakness = poor physic, elemental attack and many more

EVO potential = medium

....0_0...0_0....."i don't think this will ever be a good chose ,fuck you i will not be come the number one delicacy that you can not do without in the forest. know thank you"

==(big ring rabbit)==

the elder from of ring rabbit , it is three times the height of normal ring rabbit and has double it state

skill= (greater ring enhancement)

weakness= elemental attack

EVO potential= NON.....]

==(horned ring rabbit)==

a rabbit born when a ring and a horned rabbit mate , it is mainly found in high grass lan close to the wind forest, is very fast and has less is had to caught but easy to identify

skill= (horn wind slash)= (wind boost) ,= (wind break)=

weakness=physical attack , earth magic , elemental attack.

EVO potential=medium

"it look good and i can compact for it low strength with mine but it growth potential is not as high as wolfin so i still think wolfin with high growth potential is better. this is because i don't want to be stuck in and can not evolve again in future or my growth to be limited, only a fool will not think about the future if you will die because you cant evolve or you are to weak "

"and big ring rabbit is just a bigger version of me, i don't think it any good, so let go with = wolfin rabbit= because i think that is my best option for now"

" system i chose to evolve to =wolfin rabbit= "


[evolution confirmed...waiting for counterpart system...]

"eeeh what does it mean by counterpart system ?...."


[has chosen evolution, MT system commencing.....]


[would host like to EVOLVE or MUTATE the chosen option so as to improve its strength ]

"what i can do that, this is sooo great, ok YES show me the option screen"
