mutation option (first evolution part(2 final)

when the mutation system interface came to view what i saw made me very angry, i mean what in the f*cking hell does mutation have to do with this i think some stupid god is messing with me i mean it looks like a f*cking Guchi wheel...-


[==(wolfin ring rabbit)==

~MT WHEEL.....=3 SPIN~

strengthen MT= ? ? ? ?

MT point = ? ? ? ?

equipment = ? ? ? ?

gene MT = ? ? ? ?

? ? ? ? = ? ? ? ?.....]

"_"system what the f*ck is this ? "

"don't tell me that the mutation screen is a f*cking Guchi



[this is the MT wheel gotten by host during evolution, spine are accumulated based on host action and performance before evolution. wheel spine can be used to further strengthen host for better chance at survival.

strengthen MT + is used to enhance some parts of the host body, but at random

MT point + can be gotten from wheel spine also

equipment + can be gotten at random from the spine, these covers all range of equipment

gene MT (gene mutation)+this is used to enhance the host biological genes for more feature potential,

? ? ? ?+ are thing giving by the system that host really need which can bring good fortune or calamity ]

"~" that does not sound all that bad.....maybe for the last one which looks suspicious to me,..... but wait ...i am being graded even when i am in my second life.....aahhhhh.....forget it, lets just move on staying at it would not get me anywhere, so system just spin"

[vommmm...1 ....4.....5...2....1.....=4=]


[ host has gotten soul repair card for damage or injured soul , will host like to use ]

"_".... why will i need to use this card and what those these even do


[this is a single use card skill that can repair an individual damaged soul, without out side interference.]

"emmmm so why do i need this card....Wait! is my soul why"


[affirmative, host lost part of its soul when host was being recanted , which could lead to low state and abnormal status condition like weak stamina ]

"What!, dam... why didn't you tell me some thing this important, so that why i felt very weak "


[because host did not ask]



0_0..." f*ck you, i cant stand any of this any more just continue with the next spin"

[vommmm....1....4....3....4.....3.....=2= ]


[hos has gotten 2MT point ]

"noooooooooooo, it all you fault ....i mean good system, system of the gods, the most beautifull system, my friend why don't you give me another try "




[host system dose not understand what you say , dose host need mental help? ]

....0_0....=.Lucy was speechless=

" forget it, just spin"



[host ring has be chosen for strengthen will individual like to commence]

"it looks like i don't even get a choose to chose, let just get it over with , proceed "


[host soul repair commencing.... 10%...65%....89%...10%.... host soul has being full repair and other system function has been open . commencing ring strengthen .....25%.....67%....82%...100% ring has been strengthen to rank 4 ]

i felt the worst pain that i have ever felt in my life when the first process was going on that i could not help but scream, but i new that with this pain comes many benefits so i just hard to endure until it was all over...

' hurts... it hurts so much aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"


[ congratulation for host fulfilling first MT system test, host has unlock quest and reward from system ...]

i could not say anything in response to the system massage as my consciousness drifted away from the this special place


i finally regained my consciousness and i found that i was still in the cave, the first thing i did was to inspect my body and i seem a bit bigger than before, then i remembered that i evolved, then when i looked up the first thing i hard was all sort of system notification, i took a glance but ignored them for now it time to check my status for any changes, after taking a look around the cave and out side, i confirmed that it was still night, then.....






AGE = 4 days

GENDER= Female

SPECIES = wolfin ring rabbit

TITLE = rank = 2

LEVEL = 1 {XP = 870/100 } evolution >| ring rabbit

{HP = 50/ 100}, {MP = 80/200}, {SP = 40/100}

ST = 28

AG = 20

VT = 20

IN = 40

CM = 5

MT point {590}

{ skills }


(gives boost when hoping or jumping, 5mp)


(enhances limbs to give out put of power 0/0mp , has space storage ( 0/30) , has sub skill rind bind )


(auto heal as long as mp is sustained)


(coat the paws nail or claw with mana doubling the damage , 25mp)

=black bone(B)=(passive)

(give host 2 more start point as level up and give host has gotten black attribute magic )

=tail wipe(D) =

(attack enemies with tail coated in dark mana, which gives 2.5 times the host total strength (tall can elongate up tom three meters ), 50mp)

=wolf kin=(rear)

(host has the ability to transform into a wolf for 15 mins in the night, giving 5 start point to all state , can transform in the day but cost 100 mp 5 mint)

after confirming that every thing is ok and even better than ok , i was very happy, then i had the system notification again


[host has level up

host has level up

host has level up .....]


[host has completed system first test,

>(CAN YOU EVOLVE, rewords=1000 MT points, 4 level up cards, system upgrade card)<

reward has being giving ,host has gotten 1000 MT point, level up card (4) system upgrade card]


[host soul has being fully repaired

host ring enhancement is complete..]


[would host like to use system upgrade card]

"eeee what is that ?"


[this is a card that is used to upgrade the system and make it more suitable for the host use and accommodate the host needs]

"eeeehhhh ok use the system upgrade card"


[affirmative, system upgrading...10%.....20%....]

after hearing the system confirmation i took a comfortable position on the cave ground and relaxed for some time....after like (1) hour and (30) mins i heard the system massage


[....99%.....100% upgrade complete, host can display status]

after hearing this notification i was surprised but stile calm myself down and check my status again






AGE = 4 days

GENDER= Female

SPECIES = wolfin ring rabbit


rank = 2

Evolution's >|ringed rabbit

LEVEL = 3 {XP = 270 /400}- N.Evo Lev 20

{HP = 50/ 125}, {MP = 80/225}, {SP = 40/100}

ST = 25

AG = 20

VT = 25

IN = 45

CM = 5

MT point {1590}

+storage 1/30+(level up card (4)

{ skills active}

[]spring[]=[]ring[]=[]claw[]=[]tail wipe[]=[]wolf kin(rear)[]

{skills passive}

[]recover(E+)passive[]=[]super senses(E)passive[]=[]flexible body(E)passive[]


[]silver fangs and claws[]=[]black bone[]=



TEST >| (CAN YOU EVOLVE, rewords=1000 MT points, 4 level up cards, system upgrade card, =Completed)


i was so surprise by how much the system changed and now that i look at it my own state has changed a lot also, i was so happy that almost forgot, to check out the changes to my body, after i look at my self closely, i realized that i have changed a lot, i am a little bigger than before, like 1 head bigger than my previous self before evo, i had longer ears are half my body size, i had a wolf like tall two times my body size that came out of a rabbit tail on my butt, still had a rabbit face but with two large fangs coming out of my mouth, my paw on both hands and leg was wolf like had the same rings but the ring had strange makings on them. also had wolf like eyes, a tick black fur, i also notice that my body was a little thinner than before and a little linger, all this comes together to give me a cute like look which make me seems harmless...i think, i was surprised of the change i went through, i thought maybe because of the name of my evo i would look fierce but it seems like that was my mistake, if i was back home, i am super sure some one will kidnap me just for my cute looks... i think....anyway.....

after checking out my body i decided to test my new found strength, but it seem i became a hell lot stronger with my strength alone, i could destroy the cave walls and i did not want to destroy my only home so i stopped hitting the wall with my paws, i did not dear to use the other new skills because of the damage, so after confirming my physical ability with a speed, stamina, jumping test , i remembered that i now hard a =system storage= but i have nothing to store, i also decided not to use the levelling up card until it became had for me to level up, but for now i checked what i can do with my remain MT point .

"system show me only the best MT option i currently have and live the rest"
