final mutation and new skills !

[displaying mutation options...]


[ 1 =mana mandible = 60 MT

host has the ability to grow a mandible out of mana to use to attack with in 90cm

...2 =smoke fur= 125 MT

host fur becomes able to exudes green smoke and host gains the skill ~area poison~ which effect doubles at night

...3.=wolf vain= 180

give the host all round state boost and skill ~blood lust intimidation~

..4 =sticky tongue = 50

give host ability to stretch its tongue for 80 cm and has strong sucking digit on it

...5 =black poison gland= 190

give host the ability to secret poison from mouth and nails to cause poison damage

....6 =acid mouth tail= 480

host will have three long tail which end can turn to mouth with teeth sharper than blade teeth to assist host in combat and also able to shoot out acid beam at the enemy direction.

...7=dark fur= 250

host will have dark fur which comes with skill~ concealment~ and doubles the effect at night

...=green poison gland= 200

host will get poison gland which give host skill~ poison spit~

....9=crystal life horn= 1070

.... grade= rear

.... element=dark

host grows a dark crystal horn which will give host dark magic or strengthen any dark magic of host and also give host the skill ~life drain~

....10=rider antenna=200

host will be given skill ~rider~ to detect life forms in the area

....11=red acid vain=300

host will have a acid vain and all host attack will have a acid properties

....12=crystal wings =1200

....=grad= rear

....=element= wind

host will grow retractable crystal wings will allow host to hover in low attitude (3m) above the ground give host wind element and skill ~reflect~

....13=blue nose=130

host will have a blue nose which have a very strong sense of smell

MT POINT=1590 ]

as i looked at the option that the system provided, i found out that it look like i have to view all the skill, i began to think on what to chose,..... but if you think about it, first of all, i am going with number 6, but then i have to contemplate between number 9 and 10, since i don't want what happened to me yesterday to happen again, but after some hard thinking i went with number 9, i mean, what is the point of knowing if your enemies are coming, if you cant escape or fight back, and it gives my dark element a boost so i am still satisfied .

"system i choose =acid tail mouth= and =crystal life horn= "



[host has chosen =acid tall mouth= and =crystal life horn=... MT commencing .....10%....25%]

at the system massage, my forehead started to hurt and i could feel pain at my back, it was as if something was forcing it way out of me,.... but i just endured it...but after like (15) mins i get a system massage.....


[host =crystal life horn= has stimulated ancestral rabbit blood line...]

[does host want to commence merging....


"what the hellllll.... system will it be beneficial to me...."


[yes.....hos will benefit greatly from the merger]

i was surprised to know that a rabbit actually has a bloodline, i mean i know what a bloodline is from all the web novels and mangers i read in my past life, and it never had a down side to having one, lets just accept it and see what it does


[..commencing merging .....25%....50% ....80% .....93%....100%...]


[host has acquired =dark life horn=]


[commencing installation .....25%....50% ....80% .....93%....100%...]


[installation successful....]

after the notification and intense pain from the bloodline assimilation that i felt stopped, i did not know what time it was, but one thing was for sure, is that this time it was a lot faster than before, then started to check the new changes to my body, i found out that i now had three tails which had a large monstrous like jaw, painted in white at the end, and on top my head was two dark crystal like hone on it, they were not that big but not that small either, they just fit my head just right, but pointed upward, which made them look like the baby horn of the beautiful antelope, then i decided to check my statue.






AGE = 4 days

GENDER= Female

SPECIES = wolfin ring rabbit


rank = 2

Evolution's >|ringed rabbit

LEVEL = 3 {XP = 270 /400}- N.Evo Lev 20

{HP = 50/ 125}, {MP = 80/250}, {SP = 40/150}

ST = 25

AG = 25

VT = 25

IN = 50

CM = 5

MT point {40}

+storage 1/30+(level up card (4)

{ skills active}

[]spring[]=[]ring[]=[]claw[]=[]tail wipe[]=[]wolf kin(rear)[]

[]dark acid beam[]

shoot dark element acid at target , 50mp

{skills passive}

[]recover(E+)passive[]=[]super senses(E)passive[]=[]flexible body(E)passive[]

[]life leech[]

cost stamina to extract 30% hp and 10% start from state of targeted enemies


[]silver fangs and claws[]=[]black bone[]=

[]dark life horn[]

acquired from ***** ancestor which grows the more it is used, it signified calamity when fully grown but until then, can not be identified by any one

[]acid tall mouth[]

the marking on the tail will come to life giving tail jaws and mouth in exchange for stammer


darkness( green leech magic( ancestral magic)...)



TEST >| (CAN YOU EVOLVE, rewords=1000 MT points, 4 level up cards, system upgrade card, =Completed)

when i saw my start i was surprise by it, then became very happy, because of my new =skills= and the state boost, but when i read about the horn again, i had shivers down my spin, because it looks like when i was trying to not become public meal number (1), a meal you can not do without, i instead became future public enemy number (1) , i mean come on what did i do to deserve this, and as i was trying to go up, but i came down instead.

at least no one will know until it is full grow, but i will have to be careful in the future about this kind of things....



after that i decided to try out my new abilities, but then i tried out my tall and to my surprise they where really scary, i mine by a lot. if you where to ask how it looks like, i will say,

" have you watched the American movie (Venom) well they f*cking look like it"

well now you understand... they f*cking look like the venom dud,... they have the same mouth but with no eye, but a lot of fur on it. i can control it with just a thought and it dose not cost much to my estimation as it should, it cost like 10 stamina each 30 mint if left on always, but apart from that, i think its teeth are more sharper and harder than mine, it can even eat the hard walls and i can increase it length and sharpness by adding mana to it through my other skill wipe.

after observing all this, it give me the crepes and i mean for real, apart from that, the horns skill could not activate. maybe i need a life target but all in all it was good,....i decided to rest after the test...after resting for a few hours, i saw that it was almost morning outside, so i got up and headed for the exist of the cave, on my way i could see some holes in the wall that light come thought, after seeing that i new that the cave could not withstand another attack like this again.

when i arrived outside the cave, i saw corpse of monsters that where burnt to death, some big some small, holes on the ground and burnt forest ground, sand, grass, trees,.... but if you look far away you could still see the forest on the right, but what took my attention was all the corpse.....


[ MT source detected .....MT sou...MT s... ]


if one can see my face now you will see a evil grin on this small bonny face...
