Battle with nightmare walker....3 vs 1

When me and the creature locked eyes when it gazing at me with full killing intent, the creature suddenly released a huge pressure that came down on me, at that very moment, I wanted to run away or hide, but I could not do anything because the pressure was suppressing me,.....

then suddenly behind the creature coming at a very fast speed, I could see the ninja jump high into the air at an unbelievable height, coming down with a power technique which landed directly on top of the creature, then suddenly all the pressure that was put on me disappeared.....

When I came back to my senses, I looked at the direction of the creature, what I saw was the creature laying flat on the floor, I took this opportunity to run at the creature and activated my skill =Life leech=while it was still on the floor, and immediately I felt a huge surge of energy entered my body, when the skill succeeded, but the creature suddenly turned his head and looked at me, it's raised it's claw like hands and slashed at me immediately the attack hit me, I was sent flying and crashed into a tree,.....

I was on the floor flat, but I immediately picked myself up to regain my courage , as the creature started to get up on his feet then it's turned towards the direction of the Ninja and bolted towards him activating its own skills which came out as a red like energy claw,.....

After seeing this, I immediately got up on my feet and run to hide at the back of a very large tree, then I decided to check my status, if any changes occurred after I use my skill and my current Hp






AGE = 5 days

GENDER= Female

SPECIES = wolfin ring rabbit


rank = 2

Evolution's >|ringed rabbit

LEVEL = 16 {xp= 658 /2100}- N.Evo Lev 20

{HP = 250/ 925}, {MP = 700/975}, {SP = 40/450}

ST = 90

AG = 92

VT = 185

IN = 195

CM = 5

MT point {6840 }

+storage 9/30+(level up card (4)

{ skills active}

[]spring[]=[]ring[]=[]claw[]=[]tail wipe[]=[]wolf kin(rear)[]=[]dark acid beam[]

{skills passive}

[]recover(E+)passive[]=[]super senses(E)passive[]=[]flexible body(E)passive[]=[]life leech[]


[]silver fangs and claws[]=[]black bone[]=[]dark life horn[]=[]acid tall mouth[]


darkness( green leech magic( ancestral magic)...)



TEST >| (CAN YOU EVOVE, rewords=1000 MT points, 4 level up cards, system upgrade card, =Completed)

I was amazingly surprised to see the boost in my state that's the skill give me when I used it on the on the creature,..... but suddenly a realization dawned on me,

"if my skill only takes a small percentage out of the monsters total States, then the monster must be a truly terrifying one,..."

Why you ask, well I only took a small percentage out of its total States and it gave me and incredible increase in my own, this worried me so I decided to ask the system about it, and if I can further enhance my States, maybe with MT points because I am going to need it to fight this creature,....

"Soooo....system what is the difference in strength between me and that creature?"


[ The disparity in strength between hosts and******nightmare Walker is the difference between heaven and earth,.... The Host being Earth and the******nightmare Walker being heaven...]



The system answer left me with mouth wide open in surprise, I could not believe how powerful it was, so I decided to quickly move on to the next question and hope that I get a positive reply because if not I am really starting to lose hope of ever defeating the so-called nightmare Walker...

But then I remember the Ninja and decided to ask the system if he had a chance of defeating the nightmare Walker

"System does the Ninja has a chance of defeating the nightmare Walker,....."


[The shadow user, has a 20% chance of defeating the nightmare Walker on his own,...]

Again left in surprise by the system answer, I decided to put all this questions behind me and asked the most important one currently, for Hope of at least increasing the percentage of defeating the nightmare Walker

" So system is it possible to use all my MT point to strengthen my ring and my body ?"


[Host can't do that , host can only improve oneself through mutation and enhance part through other means which are currently unavailable at the moment for host ]

As I received the information, i new i was done for, but then a huge slash of energy landed on the back of the nightmare Walker, and the next thing I saw was the soldier in black armour running pass me and heading to engage the nightmare Walker,...

As I watched them fight, I considered running away but then I remembered the system quest, and for some unknown reason the nightmare Walker was hell Bent on coming after me, and I new there was no possible way I could run faster than it, if I tried to escape, even with my increased States it will catch me instantly, so my best option is to make sure that it dose not kill the Ninja or men in Black armour...

As the battle continued for a while, I fired my beam at the nightmare Walker, trying my best to avoid the Ninja and black armoured soldier, but the nightmare worker just steps to the side avoiding my beam completely, at this point I think I'm just bothering it instead of actually doing any form of damage, but I still manage to draw it attention to me,.....

When it's turned and looked at me I quickly ran into the wave of monster and quickly moved from side to side, trying to escape it attention, but to my bad luck it just slashed in my general direction with his claws and almost half of the monsters died

"What the hell kind of f*cking ability was that"

I was so horrified by the sheer size and damage that the attack did but Luckily the attack messed me just by an inch, if I was to describe this experience I will say....

"Hay, I think I just saw god having tea with my MT system and I was invited to join. But why should I go, if I did that won't that mean I must die first , hell no"




[Mental instability detected...]


OK so I am not going to die here, that is why I decided to use the =life leech= skill again, so I want forward to confront the master, but the skill did not do anything only stun the creature for some few seconds which gave the Ninja and the bark armour man a chance to attack it relentlessly not wasting even a single second,

The creature let out a ear defining sound ...



[Host is under abnormal condition speed de-buff , mental desolation, and hp de-buff ]

As I had the massage I found out that my hp just keeps decreasing, an added to that I became incredibly slow, with having a very intense headache, isn't this a little too much. i mean just how many powerful skill dose this thing have .

The creature stated to slash around with out care for the target ,for some reason I think i provoked it, but may be it's my imagination,.....If you look around you could see monsters die in the 100 by each slash, Fu*k this thing is powerful.

As for me I was racing around trying to not end up dead like other monster and also using some skills as a momentary distribution on the nearby monsters and that creature.

the Ninja and black armoured guy are trying to stay safe and kill as many monsters as they can, with also attacking the creature, but this creature was still dominated the field with its overwhelming power, the nightmare Walker then jumped into the sky and opened it mouth to spray out some kind of green gas, anything the gas came near corroded, I feared for my life but it's attention was on the Ninja not me...


But just when I thought that things could not get any worse, The creature shouted again and it body was covered in a kind of red energy which made it more evil looking than before, then it came now at an amazing speed and appeared behind the Ninja hitting him into the air,.....And before he could fall to the ground, the nightmare Walker hit it again, this happen about 3 more time before the last hit sent the ninja flying away, and crashing into a tree

The Ninja fell and made a 4 meters pit on the ground, I new that we were all done for,....but just at that very moment, a ball of fire came flying out of the tree lines and hit the creature on its head, sending the nightmare Walker flying back and hitting the forest floor making a 5meter big pit ....

As I looked up, I saw what seems be a lady covered in flame standing in the air
