Inferno spirit,...1 vs 4 ( Fall of the nightmare Walker)

As I look at her beautiful figure I was lost for a moment in my own thoughts, and I did not know when I started to blush intensely just by admiring her beautiful curves quickly, but I quickly slapped myself out of it. Because of the enemy right in front of us,.....

I don't know if it has to do with the rabbit gens or my mutation system but any time i see something beautiful, I just can't control myself,... I will have to deal with this problem...


[Mid Lord presence detected in area, hostility to host none ....


"I think I did not hear clearly what the system said just now.... So where is this mid lord..."


[Directly beside The Host]


at that moment my intention turned again to the beautiful lady right beside me, then I could not help but open my mouth wide in surprise and said

"wait that lady is a Lord, then wait, what is she doing on our side...

As my surprise took me, I was very confused but no matter how many questions are asked the system,.... it did not respond so I just pushed it to the back of my mind,... I came to my very own conclusion that

" Oh well what ever, as long as it good for us I will not mind but let hope this cooperation will last "I said to my self.

I see her flash passed me and went into the pit that the nightmare walker fell into,... a short while later I could hear battle sounds and large explosions coming out from the pit....

Booommm.....bang....bang bang. ...bang...bommmm...bang...

I could finally catch my breath for a short while, and not having to be on constant alert, but then as if the gods were mocking me, a small flame pillar about 10m tall came out of the pit, the creature jumped out then of the pit, looked to the direction of the monster wave and ran in to it.

It then started slaughtering monsters left and right but the flame lady flew out of the pit and headed to the same direction,.... After a while I saw the ninja Guy flash pass me and headed in the same direction as well,.... followed by the man in dark armour,.....

I watched in amazement as the battle started all over again,...but this time with the fire lady raining down hell upon the Earth, with massive fireballs falling from the sky in all directions, which were aimed directly on the creature, but still the creature used its claws to cut each of the fireball in half sending them away from him in all directions,.....

As I watched in amazement I noticed that some of the fireballs the creature deflected we're coming my way so I hurriedly dodged as best as I could and thankfully it was successful,..... Just as I calmed myself down,.... I looked up in the direction of the battle and saw that the creature has already finished killing all the monsters around it,..... It was standing in a field of death,...

But at that very moment, as it stood still in his position it's slowly turned its head and looked at my direction, gazing directly into my eyes, before I could blink the creature was right in front of me, whole body shook as I felt death looking down on me, I feared for my life, but at the same moment i gained a bust of courage,.....

so I use the only thing that I knew could affect it, even if it is a little,...I activated my= life leech=skill and used it directly on the creature and it stops moving for some time, giving me the opportunity I needed to activate my =spring= skill and back away from it, but then a small golden ball was short towards the creature at the same time I backed away.

As the golden ball made contact with the creature, a group of Chains came out of the ball and held the creature and me in place, before I could get out of it reach,.....


[warning .....warning ....., host current condition....loading....., host is current under sealing state.]

[advise host to escape from area before sealing condition is done]

And before I knew it the golden ball let out a strong Force at the chains, that began to drag me and the nightmare Walker into some kind of black hole, that was formed underneath the ball, I tried to struggle but it was no use because the dragging of the chains combined with the suction force of the black hole, was just too much to to resist, and we both ended up being dragged into the black hole, that was the last thing I saw before I lost consciousness...


[Warning warning warning warning...]

[Prison artefact detected,...]

[Host has been exposed to energy of a prison artefact.....]

[Host current condition...




Physically host is in perfect condition, but due to space-time fluctuations implemented by prison artefact, is currently trapped in another space..]



[Implementing emergency procedure,.....]

[Searching host current skill collection for suitable skill to create space fracture...,


[Suitable skill has been found,.... According to system directive 468 skill will be activated in order to increase the host chances of survival,....]

[host skill =life horn= has found *** energy which is very suitable for it growth ,....]

[Should =life horn= observe ****energy.....?]

[warning if host dose not respond in the 2 minte host =life horn= will be automatically activated according to system directive 468.....]


[Host has been sealed within an artefact containing ***energy =life horn= has being =life horn= is consuming ***energy and energy of nightmare walker in the space ]

When I regained consciousness, I found myself in a large white room like space, it was full of some kind of visible gas like energy,..... For a while now I have been trying relentlessly to free myself from the bindings, not because it was uncomfortable but because,... A while ago I found out that me and the creature was chained together with multiple golden Chains, that came out from something that look like a golden magic circle on the ground.... And that did not sit well with me,....

As I continue to struggle, I suddenly came to realization, that's my horns has been glowing ever since I woke up,.... And the gas like energy was gathering into my hone, even the red aura round the nightmare Walker, did the same thing,... But as I was thinking about what was going on suddenly, I started to feel a sense of extreme pain in my head,...

"Haaaaaaaaaaa what the f*ck is going on...,"

I started screaming in pain, it felt like my head was about to split apart, but then at that moment the space started to crack...then before long it broke and all I could see was myself being lunched into the forest at night .....with what looks like the creatures hand,..... before I blanked out....
