Skill test and physical training (part 5)

After yesterdays events and a good night rest, Today morning I woke up early than usual, then after standing up from the ground of the cave, I stated to shake off the dust from my body and get ready for the day, I looked around the cave scanning for intruders, then I thought of something, if there was really an intruder and I was sleeping there peacefully without a care in the world, wouldn't it have attacked me,... after coming to that conclusion and seeing that, I was perfectly safe by checking my body and determining that the cave was also safe, I proceeded to walked out of the cave slowly, and when I arrived outside I was greeted by the fresh forest breeze and the faint sent of raindrops mixed with the forest vegetation's, it was a very refreshing day, i looked up at the sky, to try to determine the time and it seem that it was still early In the morning, why because the sun was just coming up, after stretching my body a little, and scouting my surroundings, I immediately ran in to the forest.

As I was running through the forest while still being conscious of my surroundings I activated my =ghostification= skill , as I passed through the tress like a ghost not hindered by any Physical object at all, and I also liked the feeling of it, that is what I mean is, I like the feeling of being a ghost,...And I have to say I liked this skill very much for this reason,.....

And another reason why I like this skill the most out of all my other skills was because I could run free in the forest without being noticed or targeted By other monsters,.... At least not extremely strong ones,... Because from my experience so far, I think they're mainly logic defying creatures in this world and if I could help it, I don't plan on meeting any of them, at least not until I am strong enough to defend myself or even kill them,... if I can

After going through the forest for sometime, I got really bored, because it was very easy to ambush monsters from behind and kill them, so After careful consideration, I decided to check my starts so as to see if they are any other skills I may try out or train with today,....

And also because I was having so much fun fighting and trying out my skill yesterday, I totally forgot that =ghostification= was not the only skill that I had to try out, and knowing that it had many other skills to train and learn how to use properly, because the system has stopped assisting me in that aspect,.....






AGE = 10 days

GENDER= Female

SPECIES = nightmare rabbit

TITLE = El-Salvos , descendant of the ghoul neither King , serpent circle

rank = 3

Evolution's >|ringed rabbit, wolfin ring rabbit

LEVEL = 2/40 {exp= 3300/4000}- Evo =>Lv40

{HP = 1000/ 1000}, {MP = 1400/1500}, {SP = 400/700}

ST = 125

AG = 150

VT = 200

IN = 300

CM = 5

MT point {17950}

+storage 31/50+(level up card (6),invisibility card (1),(information card(6), heal card(4), force evolution card(2), coupes

>{ skills active}<

[]spring[]=[]ring[]=[]claw[]=[]tail wipe[]=[]wolf kin(rear)[]=[]death gaze[]=[]life leech[]=[] shadow embodiment []=[] nightmare zone[]=[]?????[]=[]??????[]=[]fear gaze[]=[]ghostification[]=[] nightmare[]=[] torment whisper[]=[] illusion zone[]

>{skills passive}<

[]recover(E+)passive[]=[]super senses(E)passive[]=[]flexible body(E)passive[]=[] status display(A) passive[]=[] ?????[]=[]eye of horror[]=[]punishment chains[]


[]silver fangs and claws[]=[]black bone[]=[]dark life horn[]=[]ouroboros[]=[]star eye[]=[]punishment chains[]=[]nightmare tattoos[]

>{ Equipment }<



darkness( green leech magic( ancestral magic)...), Death (death magic ( ancient magic), nightmare (nightmare magic (forgotten magic)


QUEST >|stop the monster wave and find out what is the cause of the monster wave that is happening in the southern parts of the forest, plus making sure that host still has about 10% hp left. time of income wave 13 mint

REWARD >| 16000 XP, rewords=4000 MT points, 2 level up cards, invisibility card, star eye

FAILURE >I death buy being eating by monster of upcoming wave.]=(completed)

TEST >| (CAN YOU EVOVE, rewords=1000 MT points, 4 level up cards, system upgrade card, =Completed)

After looking through the system, I was once again amazed by the growth I have had since I got reincarnated into this world, trying not to get myself distracted, I continue to browse through my skills, I saw various skills but I still decided to test out the new ones that I acquired among all my skills, at the end I settled for =torment whisper= and =nightmare zone=, but I couldn't decide which one to try out first then I realized that I don't even know what each of the skills do,.....

after pondering for some time, I decided to pick =torment whisperer= before trying out =nightmare zone= after all, like we say in my country, (one skill at a time) right!,... They don't actually say that, but at least you get the points,.. so coming to that conclusion I proceeded to directly ask the system for the explanation,....

"System give me the information on =torment whisper=,...."


[==Torment whisper==

This is a (negative mind attribute) skill that when used on a targeted life form, that life form will lose focus on anything they do and will fall into a state of anxiety, fear , discomfort,... if long exposure is given will either fall into madness or will be under host control,.....that life form will comply with one request from host in return for the undoing of this skill...can not work on people with strong mind(especially those of higher grade) or have a skill to block it...

100/1 hr]



" What the Fuck system ,when did I turn to loky? I am a good person, how do you even use this,..... No matter how I think about it, this is a extremely bad skill,.....hehehehe I am going to enjoy using it,..."

WHAT, why are you looking at me like that, I am not being a bad person and it's not like I like this skill,... I just find it very interesting and I'm anticipating how it will work on a monster, I'm not going to enjoy tormenting them,...i mean..... at least not too much,