skill test and physical training(part 4)

after my Intense battle with the rock monkeys and the disappointing amount of EXP I got, I received a notification from my system, after which I proceeded with putting the corpse in my storage, after which I proceeded to look around trying to find another group of rock monkeys, but without any luck, I even looked up in the trees to see if I can find anything, but I could not find any, so I decided to think and review on the previous battle, plus the mistakes I made and how hard it was to keep the skill active, and control it properly without the systems help, so I decided to look for more monsters to hunt in order to practice more on my skill control, so I activated =ghostification= and continue playing with my new skill in the forest.

As time went by, I continued to scout and advance in the forest while still using my =ghostification= skill, I passed through some beetles but this Beatles were different from the ones I have seen before because like the rock monkeys, they had rock armour in various places of their body, but i chose to ignore them, but when I was about to keep running I saw among the group of beetle one which had light rock shell and also had strange making on it.

it looks very strange and vastly different from the rest of the group, and just by looking at it I knew that if I could kill it, I will get some great mutations,.... so I decided to take it by surprise, the first thing I did was slowly enter into the ground, then I swam through the ground to where The Beatles were, I prepared myself because the beetle that had markings on his body immediately noticed me, despite me still having my =ghostification= skill active, it stopped and looked back directly at me, so I immediately deactivated my =ghostification= skill and beheaded the beetle,..... After seeing what happened to there friend the others became very angry, and rush at me from all directions, I started killing them with out care,


[Host has received 3 exp]


[Host has received 2 exp]


[Host has received 3 exp]


[Host has received 3 exp....etc]

until only a few were remaining, but just as I was about to kill the rest, did not realize that, I was looking at them too long then the system came up,....





GENDER= female

SPECIES = albino rock beetle

Title= baby leader

rank = 1 (3)

LEVEL = 9 {xp= 320 /400}

{HP = 60/ 75}, {MP = 10/200}, {SP = 40/80}

ST = 5

AG = 5

VT = 15

IN = 40

Cm= 0






GENDER= male

SPECIES = rock beetle

rank = 1

LEVEL = 9 {xp= 145 /400}

{HP = 60/ 150}, {MP = 10/25}, {SP = 40/80}

ST = 25

AG = 5

VT = 30

IN = 5

Cm= 0

I couldn't believe what I saw, some Beatles start were higher then the others by only one or two and what is up with their stamina are they all worker hollik, they will not get tired no matter how hard the work you give them, I just can't imagine how much stamina that a beetle in my rank will have,.....




What ever,.... but it seems like the beetle keep calling for More reinforcement an I am getting pretty annoyed by now because of this,...but I just have to keep killing them right...


[Host has received 5 exp]


[Host has received 3 exp]


[Host has received 2 exp...etc]


Yes they give me trash exp, even if i was to kill a 1000 of them I don't think I will level up,....

After some time the beetle finial stopped coming , as I look at what seems to be about 60 or so beetles on the floor, I ignored them and want on my way, why you ask because all of them smell like a rotten fish that has spent a week in the freezer and some one just boiled it in sewerage water, but I did take the beetle that had markings on it,...

After I left the area, I decided to go on with my exploration...I kept playing in the Forest with my new skills mostly =ghostification= and =illusion zone=,.... on my way back to my cave this time, I saw 3 green snakes at the front but this one's were very small so i killed them without delay,....


[Host has received 5 exp]


[Host has received 5 exp]


[Host has received 5 exp]

After that i saw it was getting dark, so I decided to quickly go back to my cave but did not forget to take the snakes I killed, and put them in my storage, I was done I proceeded on my way, when I reached my cave, I did not hesitate to go inside, after finding a comfortable sports at the back of the cave, then i took out the Monkeys and began to eat,.....

As I was eating I got very bored so I decided to then check one of my titles which interested me


[Descendant of the neither ghoul king

The soul harvester which had a thousand tails, which can take any shape he desires .he is the 2 strongest ghoul king which rule the neither realm. His descendant will inherit his blood taste and war loving character which lead them to have joy and pleasure when facing stronger being. But this characteristic give them a slight mental problem,....

*As his descendant you are entitled to double the starte point as you go up a grade ...(5=10)....limt until 6 grade up

*It also gives the descendant easier manipulation and shape shifting of his or her tail



(0_0).... system


[System advise host to seek mental help before it too late]

I pretended like I never read or head anything and quietly put my head on the floor after I was done eating and fell asleep.....


# albino rock beetle#

Albino Rock beetle is a type of rock monster that stays in the rocky regions of the Aliner Forest, it does not have high defense like it's rock beetle siblings but has good magic capacity, mostly female, and are born as rank 1 monster but when that reach maturity (without evolution) they can become ranked 3 monsters, they move as the leader of a group of rock beetles of about 40-70 when young and can have about 900-1000 when full grown.

{world archive}
