As the light stopped, what came to my view was a Japanese 16 year's old girl, she was a light beauty with semi long blackish purple hair, her hair went a little past her shoulders, and she also had glowing purple eye with an exoskeleton covering her hands and legs. She also had a scorpion tail, the exoskeleton covered her body in a reveling knight like armor, and this armor covered only her chest and her lower regions. It looked a lot like a very knightly bikini armor.

I was in a daze for a while admiring her beauty, she smiled at me warmly and stated to walk toward me, I became very confused and stated moving back a little, but just then i saw a purple flash and felt something hugging me.

With a sweat seducing voice came to my ears "husband thank you for saving me, from now on I belong to you"

Lucy...0_0 ..., I was shocked and speechless for a while, how did come to this ..." I think you got the wrong person, i am a rabbit and i am sure this is our first time meeting. So how could i be your husband..."

.....??? ..." I mean you saved me and gave me half of your prey, which was part of one of the marriage ritual, and you have the scorpion prince markings, accepted my feelings with the prove of the markings,..... You also ask me to be your partner which i could clearly hear .so since you are only a half blood we don't need to drink each other's blood.

But I don't care about all those minor details you are now my husband so say i on the royal scorpion name"

.... As she was hugging me tighter i asked the system about this outrageous situation that I am in "system what is going on "


[System will only help host with the information this once because of special circumstance of rule 75ci**ga**ja

The scorpion price rese is a special race among the scorpion kind one that is even more higher that a royal scorpion, the scorpion price race cannot take any other scorpion as there bride except those that are among the scorpion royal family, ones a bride is taking and accepted by the scorpion prices, that bride is bonded to it for life, and only death can break this bond. The authority process by the scorpion prince is greater than any royal except the scorpion king,

the host has just done one of the princes ritual of selecting his wife by proposing and sharing host prey ...and accepting her approach by eating the one she had eating... but the main point of this is to form a bound with the scorpion princes so if the ritual is done and the bond is not accepted by the scorpion princes the ritual will fail]


[So host has indirectly gotten host self-married ...congratulation to host system wish host a happy life]

.....Lucy…0_0 "..Fuck this, who gets themselves accidentally married not even after their first mouth of recantation, ..Place someone tell me... i will just run away or kill her if i find the chance."


[system advice against this because host has already accepted her into host family, if host kills the member of hosts family without any appropriate reason, host will lose access to system function for 1 years as first penalty.

Also host cannot run away because host did the spiritual ritual of the scorpion so no matter where the hosts goes she can find you except under some certain chase, restriction and magic effect]

...."system i know this was all done by you, SO COME OUT AND FIGHT ME IF YOU HAVE THE GUTS!! ...I KNOW YOU ARE THERE COME LET END THIS NOW!!"



[....., system tried to warn host but host did not listen and ignore the system.....

And also how can system come out from host body?, i think host have finally lost it .....

And also host was following the direction of the markings of the scorpion prince so system was not involved in host decision making]

as I remember all the notification and warnings that I did not bother to read, I became frustrated and a little bite unreasonable, I mean how am I to know it was a marriage ritual, it the system fault for not telling me properly and I don't have the right to run away, who in hell made all this fu*king rules.

"System I don't agree, you did not tell me properly, so I want to complain, do something now…." I said in a frustrated tone….


[Loading past warning...10%.....95%...100% complete]


[Host the scorpion princes markings is messing with host judgment, host should leave immediately


Host you are starting to perform a spiritual marriage ritual host should stop now...…


Host is not listing to system host should listing, this situation is bad so host should stop…..


Host is about to form bond, host should stop now system cannot interfere if host is not in ???/ Situation according to rule 1269o

Host should give system permission to terminate the marriage ritual before it too late,,,,,,,,,,,....

Host should...

Host should ,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,...]


[This were just the beginning of system warning but host did not listing …system…0_0]

0_0….. Lucy was surprised because the warning goes on and on.

As i wanted to continue auguring with the system

....???.."Husband can we leave this place i don't like it here, let go some were no one will disturb us"

As she said that, before I could do anything, she carried me and jumped more than 20m off the ground onto a tree and then speedily zoomed through the forest at a speed faster than mine. I tried to struggle but for some reason i could not which just added to my displeasure, I could not even free myself from her gripe. She put me on her shoulder and warped her hand all over my stomach

I tried using my skills to free myself but for some reason i could not activate them, any time I tried to forcefully do it, the markings of the scorpion princes would glow stopping me from doing it. Why did it do that, have I offended it in any way and is this it revenge on me, no..... It can't be, i mean i technically killed it owner but that....


[Host cannot cause harm to partner under some strict rule after marriage]
