I could not accept my faith after seeing the system notification, so I kept struggling, it took some time but i stated to notice how she was slowing down as she entered into a cave by the mountainside, which seem a lot more hidden than it looks. She then placed me on some dried plants that took the form of a bed on the ground.

She said "O, i was supposed to go hunt for food for you, I will be right back "as she wanted to leave the cave but i stop her

" Wait, i saved you out of pure coincidences and i can't be your husband i mean you should know I am a girl " trying to give her all sort of reason so as not to be dragged down or hurt her feelings so that she won't hurt me out of anger.

Why will I say that, if you look at this situation in a third persons perspective you will see that she has strength and speed with states which are much stronger than mine.

If I am not careful, any small mistake may result in my death so the other party feeling is very important because it may determine my life

"no, i don't care. we are already married even if you are a ghost with the princes marking i will not ....not ever let you go"

She said with an annoyed face and red checks, i was surprise on how stubborn she was and her determination, I mean even marring a ghost this is bad. For some reason looking at her say it with a shy expression made me shiver.


[Host is truly cruel and lacks IQ, if a scorpion princes want to disengage a scorpion princess, the princess will have to kill herself and let the princes eat her, if the ritual is to be cancelled]

When i hard this, i was shocked and wanted to apologies because it was somehow my fault and asking her to die just out of the no were after marriage was to cruel, even a playboy on earth knows when to draw the line between life and death in a game like this.

"Sorry, i mean...."

.....????.." so you don't like me, is it because i am not beautiful enough or is it that i am too weak if so don't live me i can change .....Place....."

She said as her leg weakly gave way and she sat on the ground almost busting into tries....

I came close and tried to comfort her with my tails, you should know I just ask her to kill herself, it is only a miracle she isn't angry and trying to kill me now. The best situation now is to look for a way out without losing my life, so i started to think of plans in my mind

Plan 1: was a no because that will require me to run for the exit, but how can I out run her and even if I escape I don't want a mad girl chasing me around the forest. Plus I don't know which kind of skills she has.

Plan 2: is to kill her but for some reason I can't use my skill on her now, because of the marriage ritual and the system has added her to my family so I can't kill her. And honestly I would not do it even if I could, because I have grown a little found of her. But I still don't want to get married now

Plan 3: is the only one, which seems possible to do and that is to find a way to brake this marriage without me eating her. "No, i mean you are very strong and pretty so don't cry, I will not hurt you "I may have lied there, because braking the marriage will definitely hurt her. But I don't have a choice

....???.." so you like me and you are my husband "

Lucy " lets calm down first and state from the beginning' just when I wanted to continue she interrupted me

…???.." so you knew about the marriage ritual and you accepted it right"

Lucy..." yes, no I mean no.. Wait what am I saying" how am I to answer this question?, I mean the system told me after (the did was done) so I knew but did not know at the same time, so how am I to answer ?.

..???.." and you accepted my feelings even if you didn't know me ,and did not refuse my offering back then right ? When I gave you my half of the meal right? "

...….. Why do I feel like I am having a marriage interview after getting married? Is the interview not suppose to come before the marriage?

This is getting frustrating. how was I to know being a good monster will end up getting me in this kind of situation, no I am stating to think that I was not (kissed by lady luck) but her opposite twin lady bad luck. I calmed down before making any risky decision and avoid the question

Lucy…." So what is your name' I said trying to avoid the formal question but for some reason it worked to well, she stop crying and said with a bright slimes

...???.."You can call me Avishi"

...… ok I will have to admit it, that is a very pretty name, but why did her mood change so fast, was she tricking me or something,... no she was really crying that can all be confirm by her bright red chicks, I don't know what to do with her but I think that the best thing for us to do for now is to go to bed,

..... When tomorrow comes we will take care of all the problems that come with it. I just hope that I will wake up to find that this was all a dream

"Avishi lets go to bed for today, we will talk more tomorrow"

….????..." ok!! "
