I looked at the direction which the smoke was coming from and felt from my marking that Avishi was in that direction and was in danger.

"I know that Avishi is in that direction and is facing something dangerous that can take her life away so why am I still standing here? why don't I run away. Isn't this what I wanted so why am I hesitating ?

I turned my back and stated to walk the opposite direction away from the battle but after taking 5 steps I stopped. With an angry expression I ran towards a rock tree then stepped on it as a platform using my skill =sping= and blast of it running in the direction of the smoke.

I did not care what was going on but I knew myself the most that I can't live behind any one that I call family, no matter how much logical it is I will never go against myself .

I desired to check my system to see if there is anything that can help me in the upcoming event 'statues'.





AGE = 33 days

GENDER= Female

SPECIES = goliath nightmare rabbit

CLASS= Punisher [20skill point]

TITLE = El-Salvos , descendant of the ghoul neither King , serpent circle , gaint slayer

rank = 3(royal lucked)

Evolution's >|ringed rabbit, wolfin ring rabbit, nightmare rabbit

LEVEL = 1/80 {exp= 0/5000}- Evo =>Lv80

{HP = 5,000/ 5,000}, {MP = 6,250/6,2500}, {SP = 1,200/1,200}

ST = 800

AG = 550

VT = 1000

IN = 1250

CM = 13

MT point {15,013}

+storage 47/50+(level up card (6),invisibility card (1),(information card(6), heal card(2), force evolution card(2), lottery card (2),coupse, avions mask , ??? sword ,hell wardens heart

>{ skills active}< []spring[]=[]nightmare gaze[]=[]life leech[]=[]nightmarezone[]=[]?????[]=[]??????[]=[]phantomization[]=[] nightmare bone wipe[]=[] torment whisper[]=[] illusion zone[]= []=[]sensor vision[]=[]sprite eye two[]=[] lightning heart demon armor[]=[] ring hell dice []=[] phantom step[]=[] demon summoning []=[]dark lightning roar[]=[]lightning beam[]=[]nightmare lightning claw[]

>{skills passive}<

[]recover(d+)passive[]=[]super senses(E)passive[]=[]flexible body(E)passive[]=[] status display(A) passive[]=[] ?????[]=[]eye of horror( level 3)[]=[]punishment chains[]=[] danger sense[]=[]suppressive pressures[]=[] battle sprite[]=[] super regeneration[]=[]giant strength[]=[]intermediate chain mastery[]


[]ancestral punishment horns[]=[]star eye[]=[]nightmare tattoos[]=[]4 arms of darkness[]=[] ghost hands[]=[]scared markings[]=[] tattoo of the scropion prince[]=[] marking of the beetle princess[]=[]red radar ear[]=[]nightmare demonic lightning body

> {Equipment} <

[] punishment chains (soul bound weapon) []

[]ouroboros(soul bound weapon)[]

[] Jester shadow dress []


Darkness (green leech magic (ancestral magic)...)

Death (death magic (ancient magic)

Nightmare (nightmare magic (forgotten magic)

Light magic

Lightning magic]

As I saw that my equipment was unlocked I decided to check what it can do.


[] punishment chains (soul bound weapon)[]

It is a soul sentient weapon attached to host. It is made of an unknown material but is known to have connection to the ancestral bloodline, it is also known as a growth type weapon that grows with the wider. It is a symbol of a massive sinner. It give the class punisher to host


Level 1/25

Attack power= 100-2000

Defense power=5000


Skills= []chain growth(passive)[]=[] soul repair []=[]chain wrath[]=[]?????[]=[]abyss seal[]=[]??? Embodiment [] intermediate chain mastery []]

"fu*k" was the only thing that came out of my mouth, I could not believe its attack power, I had a lot on my mind so I quickly read the skill just to understand it.

=Chain growth = is a skill that let me enlarge the chains to grow more longer according to how much mana I put into it, it does not use much mana to add an extract section to the chain .

=soul repair= is a skill that help the chain heal itself when damage and also can be able to heal the wilders injuries because they are connected.

=chain wrath= is an area effect skill that courses chains to grow in all direction forcefully binding and attracting all enemies.

=abyss seal= I don't understand but I can't waste time on it now so i skipped it for later.

=??? Embodiment= it is a skill that let me coat the chain with magic energy and element. it was surprising I could still use it even if it had question mark .so I think that it effect is not completely sealed or I can just use a part of it.

I quickly want to look at the other weapon []ouroboros (soul bound weapon)[] for some reason the system told me


[Access denied]

I could not argue with it now so I skipped it, even if it was unlocked I could not still get information on it this was a big problem.

I went to look at the last weapon and I was surprised of what I saw


[[] Jester shadow dress []

A failed amore made by Magnardor a half dwarf and half-human demigod of fug. It was created as one of the field product to honor his daughter birthday but was later thrown away before his death for being unworthy of his daughter beauty (blood contract weapon)


Level= 36/50



Skills= [] faceless hood [] = [] armor devour [] = [] ??????[]=[] shape shift[]=[] invisibility[]=[] devil flame[]=[]????[]]

"What" is this what he called a filled product I can't believe it. He must have a screw loss somewhere because no one should call this masterpiece a piece of junk.

A looked at the skill and was even more surprised by it, the []faceless hood[] skill makes me unrecognizable as long as the hood is on and has an effect that as long as the wearer does not take it off it won't come off .

[] Armor devour [] is a skill that increases it level by eating and devouring other armors, there is also the [] devils flame [] skill which give one the ability to control devils flame that is said to be a high rank flame.

[] shape shift[] is a ability that let the cloth take the form of any cloth it absolves.[]invisibility[] makes me invisible but not for a long time and it cost 500mp per minute who will use this skill but on the good side it comes with a auto clean function.

It seems that it is a blood contract weapon, it can only have one master as long as it master still live. I knew that nothing which come from the system is ever simple. But all the skills of the dress have conditions to activate.

Like the [] devils flame [] if used can cause damage to the wearer if not careful or have flame resistance, [] armor devour [] is selective of the armor it eat

I stopped checking my statue as I got close to the battle area, I could hear shouts of people and monsters as I ran toward the place.