Lucy's determination part 2

On my way, I encountered many humans who block my way, but a release of my chains on both sides of my body with both hands while some coiled around them did the job.

The chains were long, I think it should be about 7m long. I used one end of the chains as a whip and whipped it ahead of me out of reflex, it flew breaking through the air before hitting the men who blocked my way.

My chains then warped around the one man as i dragged him sideways, using him to hit his companions on the other side, clearing the part ahead of me.

I think my proficient use of the chains hard something to do with the [] intermediate chain mastery [] because for some reason I knew many chain techniques and my body could perform them like I have trained with it for years. And I am very sure that the chains ware not among the list of weapons i knew how to use.

I got to the battlefield where many monsters and humans were fighting, I saw at the end of one side Avishi covered in blood and dents all over on her armor.

Avishi was protecting the flame girl I once saw some time ago fighting the nightmare walker under her, and something that looks like a grim reaper 7 m tall attacking her, There was also a man who was holding a gun shooting mana bullet at her.

I was enrage by what I saw, so without thinking i used my []sping[] skill to blast off, rushing to her direction, on my way there I used my chains to kill all those who stood in my way, not cearing if they were monster or human because Avishi life matters more than any of them to me.

For some reason the monster instinct in me was become active and I could not see humans the way I saw them before instead I saw them as another more intelligent monsters instead.

As I made my way through the battle field getting all sort of notification from the system


[Battle spirit skill activated]


[Host has killed human shoulder…..1000 exp gotten

.....human shoulder…..1000 exp gotten

... poison snake.....1000 exp gotten ant .....200 exp gotten

...human shoulder …1000 exp gotten




More and more notification kept coming but I was too focuses on the fight to pay attention to most of them, this had to do with [] battle sprite [] skill that helps me to make correct decision on how to maximize my combat ability.

I jumped up smashed my foot on the face of a wolf using it as a platform to jump higher then shoot out one end of the chain and passed mana throw it.

It extended and went far to hit another wolf on the other side passing throw its stomach and stabbing into the ground, then I was drown through the air by the chain to the other side .

a spine in the air, caused the chain to disconnect from the ground following me in a spinning motion that whipped all those below be before I landed killing some and injuring others.

I wanted to run to Avishi side, when I suddenly saw the human shot a different kind of mana bullet that was piercing her armor, I then change my direction to the man who was shooting the mana bullet.

I shot my chain toward him hitting him up into the air before warping him with my chain as i slammed the chains on the ground, I lifted the chains up again and slammed it into the ground one more time, I repeated this process two more times before I stopped with the last slam.


The impact cause a web like crack all over, I did not show any mercy as I pull the man toward me and used my skill []nightmare claw[] causing a purples claw slash to appear in the air hitting him multiple of times sending him flying again before I ran toward Avishi.

The man was still warped in my chains as I dragged him with me because I knew he wasn't dead, if he was I would have heard a notification.

I stopped before reaching Avishi and flung him using the chains and him to hit the monster that looks like a reaper but to my surprise the monster without even looking back dodged it like it was nothing not even glancing back to look at me.

Before I could do anything more a dark gas ball hit me send me backwards.

As I landed and look up, i could see about 50 more gas balls heading in my direction. I quickly escaped using []illusion zone[] to make multiple copies of me as I ran out of the smoke that came up after the black gas ball hit the ground and exploded.

Out of 30 of my copies only 9 made it out, I ran toward the ninja dressed human that had attacked me but to my surprise he made 5 copies of himself and they all attacked the real me.

This was not like my clones but were all real, I held my chain swiping it all round me hit two of his copies back then used []dark lightning roar[] at the remain 3 blowing them back.



I then ran to the direction of Avishi again but this time I saw the reaper like monster suddenly appeared in front of me facing Avishi and hitting her with his sycle.

I shot my chains out, using the skill []??? Embodiment [] on it with the skill [] devil flame [].this made the chain to both increase in length with it being covered in burning flame effect that warped the body of the reaper.

I tried to draw the reaper back but was not strong enough, the reaper roared out loud like it was in pains, trying to struggle out of my chain but I did give it a chance.

my hands started to bleed because of the pressure of the chain around it but I did not let go.


I felt pain all round my body as I was hit by many mana bullet send me off balance making the reaper like monster to struggle out of my chain, then it held and dragged me closer to itself.