
Inside the apartment building, Elizabeth and Lauren had their hands full with treating David in one of the ground floor apartments.

"What happened to him?" Damian asked.

"They said he was pushed by a demon and he hit his head on a hard surface." Lauren answered.

"Ok, give me his diagnosis when you're done and tell me what you need to keep him alive." Damian left David in their care and took up the latter's duties.

Now David was unconscious, Damian was the only one who could lead the resistance at this dire moment.

They had to move from the abandoned subway to the empty apartment building, all the while preparing for the second phase.

He and Mark went back to the underground camp with a few men from the eradication team.

Upon getting to the camp, Stephanie ran up to Mark and worriedly asked, "Where's my dad?"

"He… uh… he's uh--" Mark didn't know what to say as the whole camp awaited his answer.