A Servant

Aunt Gha looked fiercely at Ashur, as if daring him to complain, but Ashur just nodded obediently. “Yes ma'am.”

Hearing this, Aunt Gha warmed slightly. She appreciated how he didn't shy away from hard work. Pointing in the direction of a small stable, she said, “Go look for Castor in the barn. He will teach you what you need to know.”

Ashur gave a small bow to the two women, then turned and headed toward the stable.

“Hi!” Ashur tentatively approached the only human standing in the stable and asked, “Are you...Castor?”

“Oh, I sure am!” The young man with brown bushy hair and a charming grin said warmly. “Nice to meet you. You are…?”

Ashur extended out his hand and introduced himself, “My name is Ashur. I’m Astraea’s new servant.”

Shaking his hand firmly, Castor began to show him around. “So this is where the horses are kept. The horses are mainly used for battle, so they must be fed well and taken good care of. One time, I got a beating for feeding the horses too many apples.” He subconsciously shuddered at that thought. “The horses liked it though,” He said, a cheeky smile returning to his face.

“Have you worked with horses before?” Castor asked. Ashur shook his head firmly. They didn’t have horses in the Hon Clan.

“It’s alright, I’ll teach you how to look after them later on. For starters, you can start by shoveling the manure into this bucket,” Castor pointed at a large red bucket. “Come, I’ll help you today.”

Ashur thanked him appreciatively. It seemed like a lot of horse manure for one person to shovel up by themselves.

“So, how did you end up as Astraea’s servant?” Castor started to make idle conversation with Ashur as they worked together. “She doesn’t just take in anyone.”

“It’s a long story,” Ashur muttered. He didn’t really want to talk about how he had actually left his Clan in shame. Looking at the uncomfortable expression on his face, Castor didn’t probe further.

Ashur asked Castor in turn, “What about you? How did you end up here?”

“Oh, I grew up here in Lacotta,” Castor explained. “I’m not very skilled at cultivation, so I became a servant instead.”

Ashur looked at him curiously. “Your parents forced you to become a servant?”

Castor’s previously cheerful expression suddenly turned downcast. He said quietly, “They died long ago. I’m just grateful Aunt Gha took pity on me and gave me a job.”

Ashur didn’t know how to respond, so he just continued working silently.

“Hey, it’s fine. I’m happy with what I have. You don’t need to feel sorry for me,” Castor’s smile returned as he said. “Do you want to know anything about Lacotta? I know this place like the back of my hand.”

“Uh...sure,” Ashur replied. Castor’s friendliness took him slightly aback. Everyone he had met in Lacotta seemed cold and aloof on the first impression, and he wasn’t used to someone being so forthcoming to someone they had just met.

“I don’t really know much about Etheria,” he admitted. “I spent my whole life in the Hon Clan, and have never left home before.”

“Ooo, you are from the Hon Clan?” Castor remarked curiously.

Having unknowingly revealed some part of his background, Ashur became uncomfortable and immediately clammed up.

“Alright, alright, I won’t ask you anymore. Let me tell you about Lacotta instead.

Lacottans, the people who live in Lacotta, are basically mountain people. We live, train, and cultivate in the mountains, only leaving for other places for missions or battles. Astraea must have been on the way back from a mission when she passed by your Clan.

Compared to the grand lands of Etheria, Lacotta is simply just a small speck on the map. There are many villages below the mountains. But as we have everything we need here, we rarely go there.

In the land of Etheria, magic is everything. If you have high magical skills, you will be trained to become a powerful Warrior, and you will enjoy a life of luxury and respect. If not, you will probably become a servant. Like me.” Castor laughed lightly. “Since Astraea brought you here, you must have shown some potential.”

At this point, Ashur felt like he had to interrupt Castor and clarify. “Actually, I don’t think I have much potential…”

“Astraea isn’t usually wrong about this,” Castor said plainly. “Anyway, the Etherian Cultivation Technique is very unique and definitely worth learning.

As mountain people, the Cultivation Technique largely revolves around nature and Elemental Magic. A skilled Warrior will be able to control all 4 elements - Fire, Water, Air, and Earth.”

“Wow!” Ashur exclaimed. He was impressed and wished that he would one day be able to command the 4 elements as well.

“That’s not all. An even more powerful Warrior is also able to use the Ghost Technique to summon ghost animals in battle!” Castor continued.

Remembering the ghost dragon that Astraea had summoned in the Training Hall back in the Hon Clan, Ashur said excitedly. “Oh! Astraea used it before. It is indeed very cool!”

Castor nodded. “Astraea is very powerful. You’re lucky to have her as your Master.”

“I hope so,” Ashur whispered to himself. He was desperate to prove himself quickly.

After they finished cleaning the stables, Castor pointed towards a large wooden house and said, “That’s the house that Aunt Gha wants you to sweep. The broom is in the shed next to it. Go quickly now. I’ll meet you for dinner later.”

Ashur nodded in thanks. He was glad that he had a friend like Castor in this foreign land. At the very least, he wouldn’t be entirely alone and would have someone to talk to.

He walked towards the wooden house and managed to locate where the broom was. Pushing open the unlocked door, he entered the house.

It was a large, spacious area with five different rooms. Three of them were bedrooms, one was a weapons room, and the last one was a dining area.

Judging by the size of the house, he would need quite some time to sweep out all the dust. He didn’t dare imagine what might happen to him if he left even one speck of dust on the floor.

Rolling up his sleeves, he got to work.

After the better part of the hour and a lot of elbow grease, he was almost done. Just as he finished sweeping the last room and was about to leave, he bumped into someone.