
“Watch your way, boy!” A deep voice said sternly.

“Sorry...sorry, sir,” Ashur hurriedly apologized. He looked up and saw a fierce-looking young man staring down right at him, and he bowed his head down respectfully.

The man’s cold expression broke out into a smile. “It’s all right, just be more careful next time,” he said warmly.

Ashur nodded and counted himself lucky that this was a good-natured man and that he wasn’t in any trouble. “Yes...yes, sir.”

“So you’re Astraea’s new servant?” The young man asked.

“Yes,” Ashur simply replied.

The man nodded and remarked. “Interesting.”

Ashur raised his eyebrows slightly in curiosity. What had Astraea told this guy about him? Why did he think that he was interesting?

“Do you happen to have a moment, boy?’ The young man asked Ashur. “I would like to have a quick sparring session with you.”

“Sir..sir, I still have chores to do…” Ashur mumbled. He didn’t want Aunt Gha to think that he was skiving off his responsibilities and leave a bad impression on his first day.

“Never mind about that. I’m Astraea’s good friend, Leander. I’ll tell her you were with me.” The young man brushed off his concern. “Come on.”

Hesitantly, Ashur followed the man out of the house to an empty patch of grass.

“Stand in your stance,” Leander instructed, shifting his legs apart into a stable position and bending his knees slightly. Ashur followed suit.

“Attack whenever you’re ready!” Leander called out.

Using a similar technique as he did when sparring with Astraea, Ashur gathered two balls of energy that hovered above his hands and sent them flying towards Leander. Instead of dodging them, Leander flicked his fingers, sending two bolts of lightning to strike them down.

Ashur’s eyes widened in surprise. This young man could control lightning? He must be very powerful!

Leander laughed in amusement. “You haven’t seen the Lightning Technique before?” He asked.

Ashur shook his head. This wasn’t a technique that was part of the Hon Cultivation Style.

“The Lightning Technique basically involves condensing a large amount of energy so quickly that it turns into lightning,” Leander explained. “But it’s a rather advanced technique and not suitable for beginners.

“What are you waiting for? Let’s continue!” Leander said and swiftly threw a spark of lightning towards Ashur.

Instinctively, Ashur teleported away and the lightning spark narrowly missed him.

Almost immediately, he summoned two knives and hurled them at Leander with incredibly precise aim. While he wasn’t the most talented at magical skills, he spent a lot of time perfecting what he was able to do.

This time, Leander cast a shield to stop them in motion. Swiftly after that, he created a ghost dragon and sent it flying towards Ashur.

Ashur panicked for a moment. He didn’t know how to deal with the Ghost Technique.

Just then, he had a spark of inspiration. Lightning! Lightning might be able to counter ghost animals. If only he knew how to do the Lightning Technique.

Throwing all caution to the wind, he decided to try anyway.

Following Leander’s instruction, he gathered as much energy as he could, then cupped his hands together to try to condense them.

As the ghost dragon headed towards him, he pointed a finger at it and hoped for the best.

Instead of the stunning lightning bolt that Leander had conjured, a miserable stream of sparks flew out instead, barely hitting the ghost dragon.

Ashur sighed in disappointment, then cast an energy barrier, hoping to keep out the ghost dragon.

At this moment, Leander snapped his fingers, and the ghost dragon disappeared. “Alright, that’s enough.”

Instantly, Ashur collapsed to his knees in exhaustion. He wasn’t trained to handle such large amounts of energy.

“Impressive,” Leander remarked. “No wonder Astraea spoke highly of you.”

Ashur was momentarily startled. Since when did she think so highly of him?

“Don’t look so surprised, boy.” Seeing his startled expression, Leander laughed and said. Your fundamentals are pretty good for someone who hasn’t learned the Etherian Cultivation Style yet.”

“Sir, your words are too kind,” Ashur said humbly and looked down at the ground. “I’m not really that good. I’m only Level 5 in the Hon Cultivation Style.”

“Don’t shortchange yourself. If you put in time and effort, you could become a powerful warrior one day.” Leander paused and thought for a moment.

He said to Ashur, “I am a Master in the Etherian Cultivation Style. For a beginner, you show a lot of potential for Elemental Magic.

If you are willing to learn, I can teach you the Lightning Technique, how about that? The Lightning Technique is a special skill that not many people know. You can use it to surprise other people in battle.”

Ashur’s heart leaped with joy. Finally, this was what he had been waiting for!

“Yes, thank you, sir! Oh wait, but will Astraea allow me to train with you?” He hesitated, unsure if his master would be unhappy that he was learning techniques from someone else.

“Go along and ask her. But I’m sure she’ll agree to it.” Leander said confidently. “See you at the Training Ground tomorrow at sunrise. Don’t be late.”

“Yes, sir,” Ashur said eagerly.

He left to find Astraea. She was currently at her house having lunch.

Ashur knocked respectfully at the door.

“Come in!” Astraea called brightly.

“Mistress Astraea, I met Leander just now and he offered to teach me the Lightning Technique! May I have your permission to learn from him?” Ashur bowed and asked tentatively.

Astraea smiled widely. “Of course! I knew that Leander would be impressed with you! As a reward for working so hard, why not go to the Treasure Hall and pick out anything you want. Look for the caretaker, his name is Priam, and tell him that you have my permission.”

Ashur couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He bowed deeply in thanks. “Thank you, Mistress Astraea.”