Day One

Bright and early the next morning, Ashur went to Astraea’s house to meet her, hoping to create a good impression.

He didn’t want to be late for his first mission.

But when he reached her, Astraea was already waiting outside her house for him.

“Good. You are on time,” Astraea remarked, seemingly pleased. “Let’s go to the mountains now. Come, we’ll teleport there.”

She grabbed on to Ashur, and they teleported away to a rocky cliff.

Above them, the tall mountain loomed. It was easily thousands of feet high, and standing at the bottom of the mountain, Ashur started to realize how big the mountain truly was.

The old Master lived all the way at the top? That was quite a distance away. He began to understand the true magnitude of his task now. Astraea certainly hadn’t been exaggerating when she briefed him about his mission the day before.

Near the top of the mountain, a black mist swirled, shrouding any sight of the cottage that Astraea’s old Master lived in.