A Fresh Start

After teleporting, Ashur landed in a small, quaint town. There were many low-rise, brick houses on both sides of the cobbled road.

Walking down the street, Ashur noted that the town was very rather dirty. There were piles of rubbish and animal dung lying around, with flies surrounding the area.

He reached a slightly taller brick building that looked like the local inn. Hesitantly, he knocked on the wooden door.

Knock, knock!

A thin, spindly woman opened the door.

Ashur greeted her politely, “Good morning, Miss.”

"What is your business in the town of Namyn?” The innkeeper asked coldly. She stared at him suspiciously and looked him up and down. There weren’t often visitors in this part of town, and townsfolk were apprehensive of anyone who came by.

Ashur was reluctant to reveal his background, and decided to pose as a wandering warrior, one of the many men and women who traveled the realm looking for payment for their services.