From Friends To Brothers

After spending some time with the Lost Warriors, Ashur found that he genuinely enjoyed their company.

Each of them brought a different side to the group dynamic, and together, they not only made up the formidable Lost Warriors but also formed a tight-knit family.

Vic was like the big brother, the group leader who was stern at times and kept them in check but who also knew how to let loose and have fun. He was very friendly and made Ashur feel welcome.

Rani and Lee were the two mischievous brothers, who were constantly joking and maintaining a light and cheerful atmosphere. It was very enjoyable to be around them, and their infectious laughter could easily brighten anyone’s mood.

While Ty and Lei were quieter, their presence was still as important as the rest of the Lost Warriors.

Although Ty could not communicate verbally, he was easy-going and laughed when Rani and Lee were fooling around.