Chapter 59: A Flask Of Venom

In order to create the death potion, Ashur and Acantha needed a feather from a phoenix, hair from a unicorn’s mane and a small flask of serpent’s venom.

Now that they had the phoenix’s feather, they were one ingredient down and had two more to go.

“Should we go find the unicorn or the serpent first?” Ashur asked Acantha. To him, they had to find both mythical creatures, either way, so he had no preference which to start with.

“Let’s go for the unicorn’s hair first,” Acantha replied quickly and shuddered. “I don’t like serpents.”

Ashur nodded. “Alright then.”

This time, they didn’t have to worry about where to find unicorns. There was only one place where unicorns liked to graze - the Silver Flower Meadows.

Counting to three, they teleported there simultaneously.

As soon as they landed, Ashur couldn’t help but gasp in amazement.