Brimming with excitement, Ashur and Acantha began the process of concocting the death potion.
They hung a small, copper cauldron, over a fire, then took out all the ingredients that they had collected. A fiery phoenix’s feather. A white hair from the mane of a unicorn. A flask of serpent’s venom.
Carefully, they placed the feather and hair into the cauldron, then poured the clear venom in. Rubbing his hands together in anticipation, Ashur awaited the creation of the rare death potion.
The result was totally anti-climactic. As they mixed the ingredients together, absolutely nothing happened.
Ashur’s heart dropped in disappointment. He had expected bubbling, smoke, and just something more exciting. With no visible reaction, Ashur had no idea if this recipe for the death potion would work.
“Now, we have to wait 7 days and 7 nights,” Acantha told him. “We cannot let the fire burn out, at all costs. If not, I’m not even sure what this potion will become.”