Chapter 9: In Which She Faces the Ex

"Stay close to me," Theo's warm breath caressed her ear.

She turned sideways to him and nodded nervously. Do your thing, girl, Trish's voice rang in her head, and Aurora responded to it with a bright smile.


"Mr. Barone, is that your new girlfriend?"

Theo glanced to his side and put an arm across Aurora's shoulders. Those dogs would portray him as an overprotective boyfriend, but he didn't care.

"Mr. Barone, smile for us please."

A string of flashes followed the question tightly, then there was incessant clicking of cameras.

"Is that your new squeeze?"

Aurora kept walking. These dogs would pounce on her if she paused even for a moment. Ignoring the sting in her ankles, she marched on to keep up with Theo’s long strides.

More flashes and clicking of cameras.

"Miss, may we have your name?"

"Lady, give us a smile, will ya? Over here!"

"Mr. Barone, over here!"