Chapter 10: In Which He Threatened to Kiss Her

Aurora gaped at the ugly red splatter on her dress. That dumb b*tch had just thrown red wine on her!

Aurora flew into a rage. She’s had enough of this vile woman and her petty tricks. This time, she would get even - an eye for an eye.

Her eyes quickly located a glass of wine and she was about to reach for it when someone came up behind her and chided her attacker in a low, deep whisper.

“That’s enough, Audrey.”

Aurora lifted her gaze and met Theo’s eyes. He took one look at the angry red patch on her dress and her damped face and knew what happened. Without another word, he took off his jacket and draped it over her.

But Aurora tried to pull the jacket off. “I’m alright.”

“You’re not,” Theo muttered angrily. He replaced the jacket on Aurora and wrapped an arm around her. In a whisper meant only for her, he said, “Let’s get you out of here first.”