Chapter 11: In Which She was Blackmailed

Aurora groaned wearily.

Audrey must have sent that text. She was sure of it. Aurora let out a dry chuckle and ignored the text. She’s not going to entertain anymore of her juvenile tricks.

Her phone buzzed again as if it read her mind. Her irritation grew. Ignore it, Aurora, you know it's nonsense.

But she couldn't ignore it. The itch of curiosity was gnawing her insides. She opened the text with an annoyed sigh and a chill crept up her neck.

Unknown sender:

I know what you did.

I know your family’s shame.

Aurora looked around. She was alone; the guests had gone outdoors for the next part of the celebration. Anger flooded her chest. This has gone too far. That woman had actually snooped into her private matters. Aurora stomped towards the exit; she was going to find Audrey and settle this with her once and for all.

Her phone buzzed again. Aurora halted and glared down at the screen. It was another text from the same person. Aurora lost it.