Chapter 19: Who’s This

Laura trusted Caitlin to always be honest with her. She asked her if she would like to come to meet some “new friends” and assess whether or not the guys were worthy of her time and affection. Caitlin agreed.

“How many men are pursuing you again, Lor?” Caitlin asked.

“Uh...three,” Laura replied.

“Three?” Caitlin exclaimed in shock. “At the same time?”

“Yeah...that’s my concern. I sense that there is some tension. They say they don’t mind, but I definitely want your opinion.”

“Okay. I must say that I think any one man would be more than enough instead of juggling three who know about the others too.”

“Let me tell you, Kit-Cate, it is complicated. They are handsome, charming, and seem quite financially comfortable.”

“Well, feel free to give me sloppy seconds. Whichever two you do not want you could pass my way.

Laura laughed.