Chapter 20: Why Not?

As far as Laura knew, there were no casual dating police, so why shouldn’t she relax and have some fun with her three handsome men. Their presence in her life had increased her self-confidence tremendously. Having one man attracted to you was one thing, but three?

She noticed that she had a different kind of fun when all four of them were together. There was camaraderie and competition. They did not discuss whether she had made a decision or pressure her into making one. Things seemed balanced. She would accept it as her new normal. She invited the guys to come over and hang out.

As usual for this new normal, the guys arrived within minutes of each other. Ricky arrived with ingredients and dough for making a pizza; Don brought hard apple cider; and Alex came with a gallon of milk and three packages of cookie dough. The guys were adjusting, too.

“Laura, do you like anchovies?” Rick called out after making himself at home in her kitchen.