Chapter 38: Congratulate Me!

“I think that we will be celebrating something good, soon, guys,” Ricky hinted and continued, “Big news, very positive news.”

“My feelings exactly,” Don said with a twinkle in his eye.

“I wholeheartedly agree,” Alex replied.

“So, who’s first?” Don asked.

“Why don’t we go alphabetically?” Alex suggested.

“Yeah, right, and whom might that favor?” Ricky asked.

“Alex, try again,” Don said, patting him on the back.

“Ok, does anyone else have a better idea?” Alex inquired of his two friends.

“Uh, what about in order of who saw her last?” Ricky suggested.

“Yeah, but I win again.” Alex beamed, “two days ago and two days in a row.”

“Alright guys, there’s gotta be a better way,” Don stated.

“I guess I’ll be the one to take control of this situation,” Ricky said, always the leader of the pack.

“As usual,” Don and Alex said simultaneously while rolling their eyes.