Chapter 39: One Last Shot-Don

After a weekend of no responses to his text messages, calls, or gifts and the inability to get leave a message on Laura’s voice mail, Don had to find a way to meet with Laura. He decided to wait at her building in the limo at the time when she probably would return home in the evening after a full day.

She was a hard worker: playing in the orchestra, teaching music, and composing for and playing with the string quartet. He admired that about her. She was not the typical woman he was used to meeting who would find out about his wealth. Most women would expect him to finance their life with luxuries without having a purpose except being his girlfriend or mistress. Laura didn’t seem to expect that or seek to get a way to have him take care of her financially.

Don had almost given up when Laura finally arrived home. He jumped out of the limo and met her at her car, ready to open the door for her.

“Don. You scared me, coming almost out of nowhere. What’s up?”