Chapter 18: Chaos

Makuran was pleased.

His force had cut a swath of destruction across the desert of Aridus, burning its few settlements to the ground. True, it was a far cry from conquering Geyron, but his army had proven its mettle. The only bitter pill was the loss of the dragon at the canyon village. He still wasn't quite sure how such a pitiful settlement had managed to take down an invincible fire drake.

*We'll have to crush them more quickly in the future*, he mused. *They can't fight back if they never get a chance to.*

As he paced his throne room, his thoughts drifted to Xaran, and his mood soured. He'd spoken with his master soon after the horde's return, informing him of their success. But Xaran had brushed his achievements aside, scolding him for the losses he had sustained. *You must be more careful in the future*, he said. *Your carelessness will cost you dearly if you do not contain it.*