The companions ended up camping in the forest near Darkwood for the night. None of them had the energy left to keep traveling after the battle, and the sun was just setting anyway. Besides, they didn't know their next destination. They needed Makuran for that.
Kalann glanced uneasily at the sleeping figure of Evartan's brother. The old man had insisted that Makuran had regained his humanity, but he was still nervous. Until he saw the change for himself, he'd keep an eye on the warrior.
He could tell that his companions shared his unease. Laura was watching Makuran like a hawk, one hand resting on her dagger. Faro and Selia were talking in whispers by the campfire, occasionally shooting a glance his way. Evartan, not sharing their suspicions, had gone to sleep. He, at least, was confident in Makuran's change. Brotherly devotion was an odd thing.