Chapter 26: The Mountain Pass

Kalann couldn't help smiling as he trudged through Geyron's sprawling plains, his friends beside him. After all that he had been through, he was relieved to have a clear purpose for once. He didn't know what would be waiting for his companions when they reached Shindar, but the thought of confronting the monster behind Sparks' death filled him with a curious sense of excitement.

On the horizon, Kalann caught a glimpse of the cloud-wreathed Mountains of Trazmor. Beyond the great range were the southern shores of the Great Sea, the barrier between them and Shindar. The biggest problem at the moment was that none of them knew how to build a boat. Luckily, there were many small villages on the other side of the mountains that made their living off the sea. If any were still intact after the Urts passed by, they would certainly have boats to lend.