Chapter 49: White Tent

Chapter 49: White Tent

The smoke clouded my vision, but this time, I wouldn’t let it ruin me seeing and knowing. I closed it a little though.

I reached out to touch his face again, just like how I did it in the past. Is it still my previous hero? How did he find me? I could not be mistaken with the way his arms feels.

Even if it was too painful to open my eyes because of the fumes, I managed to open it this time.

“It’s you,” I said.

I woke up to General Randall sitting on the chair beside my bed.

I realized that we’re inside a white tent, a military camp to be exact.

It must be night already because I could hear the crickets singing outside.

As soon as I rise, the General embraced me right away, tighter than he ever did. “Natalia, you’re safe now!” He held me in arms-length. “Did he hurt you?”

His eyes were still piercing. “Tell me what did he do to you?”

I tell him instead, “Randall, it was you all along.”