Chapter 38: The Selection

Chapter 38: The Selection

Valentine Dance.

Yeah, I think this is the fixed event that will happen to me. I don’t really care about any other surprising events because I know that I could handle it anyways.

I was able to go through so much bad things already, and just like Elaine, I was learning to develop a thicker skin. I think I’m getting immune to any other bad thing that might happen as long as Elaine and Chris are on my side.

For sure, Stephen will ask Dana to the Valentine dance while Corey’s going with Chris.

Elaine texted me that Fred from the soccer team asked her to go with him. I really wondered how they met each other. I wanted to tell Elaine that she should have learned to stay away from athletes since Bryan’s betrayal, but she’s so hard-headed! Anyways, I know that Elaine knows what she’s doing already.

So what’s the problem this time? Me. No one asked me to the party yet.

Why am I so invisible to guys these days?