Chapter 45: Pouring Rain

Chapter 45: Pouring Rain

“Mom, We’re really okay. What? Stephen? We’re in the same age and year. He got a brother too… Okay, wait—

I was drying my hair with a towel that the rider’s mother lent me while calling my mom through an old-fashioned telephone. I remembered I saw a picture at the History books. It’s called a “cradle.”

I covered the receiver when I say, “Stephen, mom wants to talk to you.”

He got up from where he was sitting, and I handed him the phone. We are at Number 24’s good old country house. It’s made up of wood and smells of

“Puto at Tsokolate (steamed rice cakes amd hot chocolate) !” An old woman announced, and the children were running toward her.

It seemed coincidental but the riders we bet on, Number 24 and Number 17, are actually brothers named Darren and Harold Larena! Their house was just nearby from the horseracing venue. They live with their mother.