Chapter 52: Emily accepts Debra

Petros rose from the bed, straw sticking from his hair, almost comical-looking despite the grave situation and David almost laughed with his relief.

'You look a right chump!' he announced, 'God, we were so scared you might be dead or something. Good to see you, mate!'

'Good to see you guys, too,' was the heartfelt reply from Petros.

Martin came running into the house and gathered his daughter up in his arms. She put her arms about his neck and smiled up at him, kissing his cheek repeatedly as she used to do when she was a child.

'Dad, I am glad you're here. So glad. Thought we'd be here forever. Petros and I would have had to grow tomatoes to live on or something.'

Martin carried her out and shook his head, 'How can you joke? Have you any idea what we've been through? What mad sense of adventure came over you all?'

'I don't know, ' Emily replied, 'It was the treasure, you see. Manolis wanted the treasure. But it was more than that.'