Mine, Body and Soul

The he-dungeon was pleasantly surprised that the elf listened to his commands and entered her new room. She was his now, so he naturally provided her a room of her own. He wanted to provide a more comfortable room, but this is the best he could currently do.

'Hah! All I have to do is point and click, and my units will go to that designated point!' He celebrated with a happy spin.

He also barred it off, to express that this was her new home.

He didn't need to worry about her finding his crystal either, as he had taken safety precautions earlier. He couldn't seal off the entrance to the outside world, as it left him feeling suffocating and he even had a panic attack when he tried. However, he discovered he could hid his core in a pitfall trap. It was shameful to have to hid his illustrious body, but safety was important.

The elf had said some things, which was in a voice very pleasant to listen to, but he couldn't understand the meaning of the words she was speaking at all.

The more he looked, the more beautiful he found her. Even dirty, he was fixated her beautiful waist length golden hair and vivid green eyes. He face was the representation of beauty, her body not overly curvy, but enough to elicit a response of dire.

He watched as she broke down crying on the stone bed until she fell asleep. Looking at her torn clothes exposing her body, the dirt, and the bandits who use her as bait, he judged she was captured by them. He wondered if there was an elf village nearby, or she was an adventurer who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Unfortunately he couldn't inspect her status as he didn't have an investigation skill, but he judged she wasn't very strong to be captured by two people not even level 10. Most likely, she was a civilian of some kind.

Still, it didn't matter to the dungeon, she was now his civilian, his no. 1 employee, although he had nothing to pay her with. She was his property now anyway, so payment was unnecessary in the first place.

While she slept, he controlled thin tendril of his mana to investigate her. This was a trick he learned over the last day, which he could use his mana to map the mana pathways of a beast, or in this case elf, to build a rudimentary understanding of them.

He didn't really understand the purpose of it, but it helped train his mana control skill, and also helped him feel a sense of familiarity with them, although they were usually dead and had their mana drying up like a bucket with a hole in the bottom of it.

As the mana tendrils felt around the sleeping elf and entered her mana pathways, he felt and intricate network of mana constantly flowing in various weaves, almost like blood vessels throughout the body. Except those pathways were not just extremely complex, but also somewhat narrow and frail.

This was particularly focused around her heart and mind. It was much more alive than any of the other animals he felt. He could also place his own mana into her system, but there was resistance when he did so, as if her body was rejecting it. He stirred and moved her mana around a bit as well, but it was more exploratory, and also unharmful, than having any specific purpose.


Skill Level Up: Mana Control ->


He did victory spin as gave himself a mental pat on his rear facet.

He also needed his new elf to work for him, so he went ahead and created the only facility he hadn't built yet, a breeder. He needed monsters, and this was the only way to get them.

It cost 50 mana and 20 biomass, but that was a minor expenditure compared to his current material stock. The facility almost seemed to grow out of the ground, but that was mostly for stability. He could feel every muscle and sense of the device, which was a new experience for him.

It felt both familiar, yet also completely alien.

While waiting for the elf to wake up, he digested the bandit in the pitfall trap, digesting all the flesh into 8 units of biomass, leaving behind clothing, leather armor, a sword and a now extinguished torch.

The other bandit was still lying down in the entrance, the dungeon not knowing how to get rid of him just yet. It didn't want to create another biomass converter just for one body. Once the elf was up and did her job, he would have her throw the body into the pitfall trap.


'She woke up!' The dungeon eagerly shouted to itself, intently watching the beautiful elf instinctively try to cover her exposed breast as she woke up.

She had been asleep for nearly two hours, and seemed to be much less emotional than before. She looked around the room and froze when she saw the breeder.

'Good it appears she knows what to do,' The dungeon was happy with its new subject.

Despite waiting however, the elf refused to move by herself to the breeder, merely bringing her knees to her chest and sitting back against the wall. Even the dungeon could tell she was just moping now.

'Very well, I will directly tell you what to do,' The dungeon reverted to it's "point and click" method and dropped a stone resource block directly next to the breeder.

The elf visibly shook and tried to look away, but the dungeon pressed his consciousness toward her and while she couldn't understand what he was saying, she knew what he wanted. It was extremely obvious.

Finally, the elf weakly stumbled to the breeder. She placed one hand on it nervously and felt all over the black skin like structure of it, before turning around and timidly sitting back into it. The dungeon felt every bit of contact and was extremely excited over it. It was an erotic kind of stimulas, having the elf touch him all over like that, and whilst being dirty, she had very supple and soft skin.

She was shaking nervously, but the dungeon was kind to his subjects. He controlled the tentacles to wrap around her wrists and ankles, holding them in place. They were still flexible and had a spring like tension so she could still move. She could possibly break free of them if she truly tried anyway, as they weren't all the powerful structurally.

He had more tentacles wrap around and feel her soft body. One massaged her stomach, creeping up her shirt, tunic, or whatever it used to be, and reached for her breasts.

The elf squirmed and chirped some pleasant to hear words, so he stopped momentarily and loosened her restraints when she tried to sit up.

She didn't leave the device, but nervously, and extremely slowly, took off her shirt, followed by her skirt and underwear. Bras apparently didn't exist, at least, not among elves, but she still had cloth underwear.

The elf now exposed herself to the dungeon in all her beauty. She somewhat covered her privates with her arms, but it was more instinctive than anything else. Perhaps she shaved her body hair or elves didn't grow it, but she was completely hairless all over her body.

The restraints came back and she was back lying in the reclining chair like facility.

The breeder shifted and changed with the dungeons will, as it was a part of the dungeons body after all. Even the tentacles shifted shapes to be more suitable for their tasks.

A tentacle caressed her cheek for comfort while another fondled her apple sized breasts, teasing her cherry red nipples which were fully erect. It even simulated a suction in the tip of the tentacle and stimulated her teets with that, causing a pleasant hum from the elf who had her eyes tightly shut.

Two more tentacles massaged her legs, all the way from her ankles to her thighs, helping relieve her taut muscles and release built up stress. Some small feelers also massaged her back and rear which she was lying on.

The final tentacle started last, slowly rubbing up and down her crotch, teasing her clitoris in gentle but firm vertical and circular movement. This tentacle had a special penile tip, and was also the one which would release the dungeon's seed.

The elf was now in a fantasy as all her sensitive areas were being stimulated. She couldn't help but gradually begin to moan and move her hips in synch with the tentacles massaging.

The dungeon was also able to feel her soft skin all against him, and his touch all over her, and was completely enamoured by her.

Yes, he was extremely horny.

His penis-tentacle was slimy with nectar from the elf's hidden garden. He slid the tip of it down her slit until it reached the entrance of her vagina.

The elf tensed at this touch and moaned less, but didn't shy away. She lost herself in pleasure and allowed whatever happened, to happen.

Her vaginal lips spread open as the penis tip slid inside her. She yelped and tensed, gripping the penis tip with a clamp like grip inside of her.

It wasn't enough to stop it though, as the penis slid insider her bit by bit, slowly reaching deeper.

The elf maiden hissed in pain and called out a few oriole like words, but the dungeon couldn't understand them. It understood she was in pain though, and halted the process of entering her and focused on massaging, stimulating and soothing her nerves.

The elf stared at the tentacle beside her face with a meaningful stare before slowly closing her eyes and resting her head against it.

Her vagina was still releasing fluid, but her vaginal walls clamped on the penis extremely tightly. The dungeon felt a burst of ecstasy from the sensation and almost felt like releasing his seed then and there.

He managed to hold off and spread the elf's legs apart slightly further before slowing pistoning the tentacle penis.

With each thrust, the penis would slide slightly further into the elf, filling up her vagina which desperately clung to his penis in a way he was unsure whether it was trying to stop him, or never let him go.

The elf moaned in pleasure, getting louder and louder over time.

The dungeon found a spot within her vagina which when stimulated, would cause her entire vagina to contract, and the elf herself to release a long moan in pleasure. He made sure to rub the spot every time he thrust into her.

Before the elf realised, the tentacle penis had reached all the way inside of her vagina, filling her up and her vagina rhythmically contracted around it. She begun moving her hips along with the thrusts to maximize her pleasure, quickly reaching the point of climax.

The dungeon was also about to release its seed, but the elf came first. Her entire body quivered, her grip on the restraints squeezed, and she turned her head and bit into the tentacle there as if to muffle a long, loud moan.

Her vaginal walls violently contracted around the penis as if trying to wring it out, something the dungeon fulfilled as it also had a moment of ecstasy and released a large amount of white goop into her vagina and womb.


Insemination begun.

Please select seed to implant:

• 3x Miners – Burden (1) – 1h incubation

• 2x Shroom Gnome – Burden (1) – 1h incubation

• 1x Forest Goblin – Burden (3) – 2h incubation

• 1x Stonerat – Burden (4) – 2h incubation

• 2x Forest Goblin – Burden (5) – 3h incubation


'It's here! My basic villagers for mining resources are finally here!' The dungeon core practically lit up in excitement.

Now that he had released his seed, his lust decreased dramatically and he could think straight. He immediately selected the 3x Miners and gradually relaxed the tentacles holding the elf maiden.


3x Miners selected – Incubation 59:58


She weakly laid there in the breeder while lightly panting, thick white dungeon seed mixed with some blood leaked out of her vagina, which was still undulating from pleasure.