Monster Birth

Therina could feel something growing inside of her. It was frightening to say the least.

She had given her body to the dungeon, fearing death was her outcome from the breeding process.

She was a prisoner to her captor, forced to play to its whims. She was thankful it was gentle, well, at first. It soothed her and stimulated her erogenous areas before moving onto the deed, not just ramming it inside of her.

It was fearful at first, but she soon found herself drowned in pleasure as her body heated up and began demanding sexual satisfaction. She lost herself in this feeling, forgetting all her pains and grief. She had still been a virgin, and didn't realize sex could feel this incredible.

Still, whatever was growing inside of her was a cause for concern.

She laid down and curled up in the breeder, which was countless times more comfortable than the stone bed. Her body was still vibrating from the pleasure of climaxing, and she craved that sensation of being drowned in pleasure and forgetting all her pain again, but she was still clearheaded enough to worry that the dungeon may simply use her body until it breaks.

Therina was also beginning to feel quite hungry and thirsty, which was going to be an issue soon. For now, she just curled up in the breeder naked, wishing to forget everything.

Suddenly she jolted away as she felt something reaching into and spreading through her body, a feeling even more intimate than sex. She had no idea what it was, but it produced a warm feeling which gave spread throughout her body and even made her feel stronger. She could push against it if she tried, but she simply allowed it to continue.

"Status," Therina softly said, gazing at the mental image which appeared in her mind.


Species: Tree Elf

Name: Therina Sel'Ether

Class: Thatcher

Age: 40

Mana: 57/57

Exp: 224/754

Level: 2

Str: 4

Dex: 8

End: 5

Vit: 13

Int: 9

Mnd: 7

Lck: 6


Nature Touched (Racial)

• +20% Dex, End, Vit when in forested regions.

• Forest wildlife is less hostile to you.


• 3-Fold Plat – 1 mana/min

• 5-Fold Plat – 2 mana/min

• 9-Fold Thatch – 3 mana/min

• Wood Weaving – 10 mana/min

Flower Arrangement

• Nature Alignment – 15 mana

• Mana Alignment – 30 mana


• Twin Shot – 5 mana

• Rapid Fire – 5 mana/shot

Trap Setting



'My mana!!! My mana has increased by nearly 20 points! I haven't levelled up or gotten any titles, so how in Gaia did that happen?!' Therina was utterly shocked when looking at her stats. The shock was so great, she even forgot to pay attention to her slightly swelling stomach.


The he-dungeon had time to wait until his villagers were born, so he begun exploring his elf's body with mana tendrils. He extended them into her mana network and filled up her body.

He was slowly getting familiar with her body. He used his tendrils to play with her mana, stirring it around and increasing the circulation. The network itself was quite sturdy, yet at the same time paradoxically frail, so he had to be careful with what he did.

As he stimulated her mana, he felt her pathways seemingly becoming slightly wider, an interesting thing to feel none the less. It was fun for him, and he felt much closer to the elf when he was doing it. He even held and caressed her with a tentacle while doing it, the intimate feeling of him against her feeling even sparking a little lust from him.


The elf looked down at her stomach which was now twice as big in worry and fear. It was time to "give birth", as she could feel it.

The tentancles caressed her as if to sooth her worries, helping her into a position where she could give birth to his "villagers".

She felt a pressure from inside her stomach, trying to push itself out and grimaced in pain. A tentacle pressed over her mouth, allowing her to bite onto it, but the feeling of her tongue was oddly stimulating to it.

Other tentacles held her legs open in an M position, a position the dungeon felt was best for giving birth.

She cried out lightly in her oriole like voice, and pushed out a beetle like creature covered in incubation slime. I was a little smaller than a fist, and the infant of a miner.

The elf's stomach had shrunk a bit, but it wasn't over. She pushed out two more infant miners, one after another, before lying her head back and weakly panting.

Her stomach was flat again, the flawless smooth skin as before her impregnation. The only evidence of her giving birth, the three infant miners and a copious amount of incubation fluid and seminal goop covering her nether regions and inner thighs.

The dungeon held a connection with the three infant miners. They were a part of it, but also their own individuals. They could feel the dungeon and had to obey his will, but he couldn't control them like puppets, they still had their own individual minds.

Another fantastic aspect, which elated the dungeon, was that the creatures would not only act as his hands, but also his eyes. He could see what they could see, and command them from their viewpoint.

The three miners needed sustenance, which the dungeon fulfilled by creating several platters of food out of biomass. The new creatures ravished the food and even had seconds as their bodies rapidly swelled until they were half a meter tall and nearly a meter long.

They had thick exoskeletons which served as protection for their fleshy bodies while digging, and also against enemy attacks. They had long sharp blades around their mouth made out of the same carapace, but stronger than most standard metals. This is used for cutting up and grinding any dirt and minerals as they mine.

They could also be used as weapons, but the miners weren't very fast, and would only be effective against dumb monsters who fought head on.

The elf watched the miners with fearful apprehensiveness, especially their digging blades.

She need not fear though, the he-dungeon would never hurt his own belonging.

He commanded one of the miners to exit the cave and investigate the surroundings. He couldn't look outside of the cave or explore out there, but it could. He needed to know what was around him, so he could be better prepared.

The stone bars sealing the entrance of the room broke as the miner cut through them with no effort, before it crawled out of the entrance of the cave, casually pushing the body of the second dead bandit into the pitfall trap for processing.

Outside was a lush forest, currently late afternoon by the looks of it. A faint few birds could be heard, but most prominent was the smell of smoke and blood that was carried on the wind.

The scout-miner patrolled around the forest area, eventually reaching a village from where the scent of smoke and fire originated. The dungeon stopped it from entering the village and made it observe from outside.

The houses were all made out of wood, and integrated into the forest landscape with a sense of beauty, but most of those house had burned down, leaving behind burnt husks of ash and smoke. Some were still on fire.

A large group of bandits were milling about, looting the burnt down houses for any money or remaining valuables. Off to one side, there were carts loaded up with boxes and sacks of goods, while a procession of chained up elves was beside it.

He desperately wanted to secure a couple more beautiful elves, but he didn't dare challenge the bandits with just a single miner. Especially the couple which broke down several houses as if they were made of twigs. They were much stronger than the stragglers who ran into his dungeon with the elf.

There were also mages among the bandits, casting earth and water magic to extinguish the fires now that the battle was over. They couldn't loot a still burning house, after all.

It appears this was her village, just five minutes away from his cave. Now though, it was thoroughly destroyed.

'How dare they!' He mentally raged.

He had the perfect nearby village to feed off of and help him grow, but now, it had been taken away by someone else.

He watched from the bushes as several of the stronger bandits rounded everyone up where they had loaded up the goods. Securing all their goods, they began heading away from the village to the south-east, several bandits with whips or clubs hitting the elves who stumbled or tried to escape despite their shackles.

They apparently didn't notice the lack of two of their members and an elf, but with all the dead bodies around, mostly elves but some bandits too, it seemed normal to be short a few people. They appeared to have made such a profit on this endeavour, nobody cared for the dead.

Once he was sure the coast was clear, he had the miner sneak into the town and look for any survivors. It searched house after house, but all he found were more corpses. It did find fabrics, various foods and grains, and a bunch of other miscellaneous items, none of which it could carry back.

If there were any survivors in this village, they were very good at hiding.