The New Queens

Princess Zoerina attended her first day at the Hendesberg Royal Academy full of motivation. She bore a heavy responsibility on her shoulders to protect her country from the invading demons, dedicating herself to training with far more dedication than her elder brothers.

"Princess, welcome to the royal academy," A well dressed teacher with a large white beard and wizened face bowed to the princess who sat among her peers in the classroom. "It is an honor to have another member of royalty studying at our school."

A range of hushed whispers broke out amongst the young boys and girls while fleeting glances were cast at the young princess. Princess Zoerina hadn't appeared much in public before, so there were a lot of rumors about her, but none with any solid substance.

Some rumors spoke of her as a fire breathing dragoness, whilst others as a young maiden deeply in love with a young knight apprentice.

Contrary to all the rumors though, she held a more reserved attitude and the best word to describe her would be mature.

"Thank you, Teacher Harold. I have been home schooled up until my adulthood by the royal tutors, so I hope to learn a lot of new things from everyone."

She smiled back at her fellow students and offered a warm greeting. This instantly led everyone to have a more favorable impression of her.

Of the two girls that were sitting next to her, one leaned over and asked in a whisper, "Princess, what is it like in the castle, I hear that the halls are lined with gold and you get spiritual fruits with every meal… Is that true?"

"Hehe, not at all," Zoerina giggled lightly with a hand over her mouth, "Father does look after us quite a lot, but it was always lots of studies and training, even more so as of late."

"Really? Why is that?" The other girl asked.

"As the future leader of the country, it is our responsibility to be strong and wise enough to lead everyone."

"Quiet down, students, even you too, princess. Class is starting. As your first day back, we will be doing a refresher on the basic knowledge you learned in middle school."

The teacher clapped his hands to get everyone's attention before he begun drawing up basic and intermediate magic arrays and theories on magic on the giant classroom blackboard. He spoke of topics that all of the students covered in their middle school lessons, interacting with the students and making sure nobody had forgotten anything over the annual school holidays.

The practical skills class was next, in which Princess Zoerina revealed her strength as a Infant Dragon Brawler. Although her level was similar to many others in her year level, her strength was greatly superior to them due to a better bloodline, better training programs, more effort, and more spiritual fruits growing up.

Her fists sparked as she stuck in sharp, precise blows that knocked other students off their feet. She also had a pair of solid fire iron gauntlets that supplemented her strength, but she didn't equip those when training with the other students.

As the days went on, Princess Zoerina remained much stronger than the others, but she never looked down on her fellow students and pushed them to train harder.

She held a fiery temper for toward anyone who bullied others, resting in her main class being considered off limits for the older kids to bully. Nobody dared challenge the princess, not just because of her strength but also her status as royalty.

As the first years were sitting in a grand auditorium, Matron Hubble, the coordinator for their year level, alongside Principle Herring, stood before the first years.

"Students of Year 1, the yearly Fae Expedition is coming up in three months, and it is up to you whether you wish to join. The second and third years are traditionally the only ones to go on this trip, but due to recent events of the dungeon outbreak in the south-east, alongside the demon incursion many of you have already heard about, it is suspected this may be the final year we can do it. Therefore, the opportunity is also extended to first years, but you are advised to think carefully before deciding to participate. Matron Hubble, if you would please explain it to everyone."

The white haired woman pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose whilst giving a hawk like stare towards all the people in the crowd.

"Students, many of you probably are already aware, but the Fae Forest Realm is a special pocket dimension that opens once a year and only allows those at the First Step to enter. Inside are countless monsters that can be tamed and form pet contracts with, given the right opportunity and luck. The level of first years is generally too low to participate as it can also be very dangerous, so you are advised to think very carefully about participating."

"As students of the Hendesberg Royal Academy, we are always guaranteed one of the hundred slots in participating in the expedition, and one of the benefits of studying here."

The students began to chatter amongst themselves whilst several raised their hands to ask questions. Matron Hubble's piercing gaze swept over them all and stopped on several before asking them to present their questions.

"Matron, what is the danger that is befalling the kingdom? Is it the demon invasion? Do we need to be worried?"

"There is no need for you to be worried, our defence forces are constantly working to keep our kingdom safe and secure. The only issue is that this pocket dimension is in the south-east of the kingdom, close to where the dungeon outbreak has occurred and in line with the demon's main invasion. It is safe to attend this year, but we don't know about the following years."

"Matron, I heard that… that Monster Lords are acting with the dungeon outbreak… Isn't this too dangerous?"

"We are veering off topic too much. The Monster Lords are a threat, but it is unlikely that they will present themselves before such a low level pocket dimension. Danger is a part of life within this world, and the level of danger occurring at the pocket dimension is currently low. Those who cower will never achieve greatness, no matter what."

Several students, including Princess Zoerina, nodded within the crowd.


Piri was infamous within her new school. Being a dark elf, she constantly held a large umbrella to shield herself from the sun's rays that were harmful to her whilst staying indoors as much as possible.

She normally wouldn't have attended a normal school due to this, but Styx wanted her and the other children to receive the standardized education of the kingdom, which was much more complete and had centuries of refinement behind it.

"You're just an invader!" The leader of a small group of kids spat on the ground in front of Piri and the three human slave children who followed her around everywhere, Avora, Felix and Thomas.

"And you're just the defeated, how dare you be so rude!" Piri raised a clenched fist whilst glaring at the other kids.

The teachers saw this from the distance and were hesitant on what to do. They knew they should intervene, but many of their loyalties remained with the Maple Dragon Kingdom, causing them to turn a blind eye to the situation until the dungeon girl had been taught a lesson.

Piri shocked everyone though, as even whilst holding an umbrella in one hand, her other fist was wrapped in highly refined and dense mana before pummelling the other kids until they were black and blue. Several had to be sent for medical treatment in the school infirmary for fractured bones too.

Avora, the female slave child and one of Piri's oldest friends, spoke to her.

"Piri, did you need to be so harsh on them? You should understand their frustrations…"

"Hmph, what are you saying, they decided to attack despite being weaker and of a lower status. I am to be one of Styx's wives, I am already forgiving that they don't show the proper respect."

"But… you haven't become his wife yet…"

"Shut up and carry my bag!"

Piri stuffed her bag into Avora's hands and strutted off to the next class with a huff. Her steps were elegant and fast whilst an enormous amount of mana constantly churned through her small body.

Over the coming weeks, Piri didn't make any close friends due to her attitude, whilst her position within the school was cemented in violence.

During the practical training classes, she was especially heavy handed, knocking down other students and causing bone fractures. Due to Styx's occupation of the city, dungeon monsters were also included in fighting partners, creating a much more realistic and thorough training experience, but the small dark elf was still the most feared person to be paired up with.

"Weak! Get up and raise your guard. The enemy isn't going to let you catch your breath!"

Piri stuck her chin up and looked down upon the fallen training partner, who was clutching his ribs whilst his face was scrunched in pain.

"Miss… Piri, that is enough," The teacher in charge hesitantly chastised her and tried to get her to restrain herself with obvious fear towards the dungeon and Styx.

"Hmph, it's for his own good!"

Despite how harsh she was, Piri never actively bullied anybody within the school and never ran out of patience with people. She was bossy, commanding other people around and turning violent if they defied her, but she always pushed people to break through their limits and grow to greater heights out of pure desire to help them grow.

She was even harsher on herself during training, creating a situation where others found it difficult to chastise her for being too hard.

Due to this nature of hers, she was rapidly becoming a young queen of the school, especially as Styx's culture and ways of life pervaded the society of Lagoon Porter city more and more.


All the students sat in their respective classes in the morning whilst their home room teachers explained the recent announcement to them.

"Despite the recent change of ownership of the city, the education and experiences of the young students is to carry on as per normal. At least, as much is feasibly possible. This means many excursions, especially those for higher years, are cancelled, but some we will be maintaining."

"The Fae Forest Realm expedition is one which the entrance is located not far away. Our school had previously won one of the slots to participate this year, and we intend to participate as originally planned. I believe the headmaster is talking with the Mistress Hilda to allow this."


The teacher furrowed her brow and looked towards the noisy student within the classroom.

"Miss Piri, do you have something to say?"

"That is the pocket dimension where everyone can get a beast companion? So what? I will take everyone to the dungeon and they can choose a monster to serve as a beast companion. If it dies, they can have another one too."

"…Miss Piri, the beasts in this pocket dimension all have high aptitudes at a bare minimum. There are 3,000 schools within this kingdom, and everyone is vying for one of the measly 99 slots auctioned by the royal capital every year. We were lucky enough to get one of the final spots, it would be a waste to lose all that money."

"Money doesn't matter all the much anymore since my future husband has taken over the city. What does it matter, is this pocket dimension all this important?"

Piri crossed her arms and glared at the teacher defiantly, the latter of which was at a loss of words as there had never been a student this rebellious towards her before. To make it even worse, the student had a background she was afraid to challenge.

"It is."

"Very well, then I give you permission to go on this excursion. I don't see the point, but I will go as well."

"Miss Piri, you can't just give permission… It needs to be approved by-"

"Hmph! I can give permission. I will speak with Styx later about it and ensure there is a guard. Maybe Lady Aura will come herself, let's see which kingdom rats dare to challenge us then!"

Everyone gave the rebellious dark elf an odd glare, as they too were technically under the same category not too long ago.