Warriors of Heaven

Styx had everyone retreat from the giant, almost vertical ancient city. He sent in a group of flying monsters to pick everyone up and also carry out the damaged armor pieces that had lasted from times forgotten until now and also contained an incredible magic system within them.

He also wanted the corpse of the fallen god, but nothing remained as it turned to ash and blew out over the city rooftops despite there being no wind. It seemed to be carried by another force that couldn't be seen nor felt.

The retreat was firstly to regroup and go over the exploration strategy, as several dungeon residents had perished to the strange husk monsters. Just as important were the three angels with bright golden wings, one of which with two pairs of golden wings just like Loreley, behind their backs that just arrived at the public town outside of the dungeon entrance.

They were fully equipped in thick silver plate armor with heaven runes engraved along the seams. Styx wasn't sure exactly what enchantments were applied to the armor, but it looked very imposing. They didn't appear to be carrying any weapons, but they each had a space ring on their finger which stored all their items.

"Your reinforcements are here, quite quickly too," Styx commented to the beautiful fallen angel as they returned through the portal to the main dungeon.

"That is natural. Heaven is interested in such a strange and ancient area, so they will dispatch people as soon as possible."

Loreley nodded matter-of-factly as she responded with hesitation. Back in the dungeon, her large crown like black halo begun revolving above her head again as her connection with Heaven was restored.


"Greetings, Dungeon Lord Styx, my name is Ursula," The angel with two pairs of golden wings, and obviously leader of the trio, bowed before Styx in his throne room.

"So you three are the reinforcements sent to Loreley to explore this new area?"

"Yes, Archangel Nil himself passed down this order, such a truly great honor it was."

Styx pinched his chin in thought. Everything about Heaven lines up with his knowledge during his previous lifetime, but he had never heard of an Archangel Nil amongst any of the biblical texts. It rose questions in his mind that he had no means of getting an answer to just yet.

He already had people scour the local libraries within Lagoon Porter City, but there was no mention of the world before merged into the infinite world, nor even the early history afterwards. All the history books only went back approximately 500 years, so he would have to take over more and more of the kingdom until he found the answers he was looking for.

"How much do you know about this area?"

"Only that it is void of mana and completely dead, everything mysteriously decomposed to ash and soot which contaminates the entire environment. It is something we have never seen before, and suspect it could be a far distant planet."

"A distant planet?"


"Aren't we all on the same planet."

Ursula shook her head and faced her palm upwards. Her golden halo, which was similar to Loreley's large black crown like halo, only a bright white with a yellowing hue, shone brighter and output a stream of mana into her body.

A hologram made of countless white stars and small planets rotating around several stars shone through the giant throne room above the artificial lake filled with pink and white spider lilies. The projection spun under armors angel's control, focusing on one of the planets.

"Yes and no. We can be described as being here, along with maybe one or two other kingdoms. All the planets are considered the terran domain, and they are all connected in seamless connections that make everything seem like one planet. If you cross several kingdoms, all of a sudden you could be half way across the galaxy. Go even further and you could leave it entirely."

"Eh, really? Couldn't one just use the terran realm for transportation across the galaxy and beyond, then?"

"Of course, and there is usage for that, but it would also mean one's main logistics channels are public, which are easier to track and intercept."

Styx nodded in understanding at the logic. By passing through the universe, one would be able to move much more privately and with a seemingly infinite more room. He still had other questions, such as what would happen if a planet was destroyed, but he held off on that and allowed Ursula to continue explaining.

"In regards to the terran realm however, there are a lot of planets that are not connected to it, or have been cut off from it. The fact that there is no mana in this place, tells us that it is a planet that has been separated from the terran realm. That is what our divine researchers have speculated at least."

"Is that such a big deal?"

"Yes. Based on the report, there is the existence of life and divinity on this planet, even after it got cut off. Worlds usually are only separated from the terran realm when all life on them dies and resources are depleted. It's rare, but it does happen ever epoch or so. But, there has never been a stray world found that contained life, nor has there been one severed from the realm."

"Could it be the original residents had split from this myriad world themselves?"

"The amount of power required to sever and isolate a world from the terran realm is infinite. It is simply impossible."

Styx resting his head on his elbow whilst falling into thought. Based on what the fallen god mentioned in its final words, the world was severed from the terran realm. He speculated that perhaps it had become something akin to a cancer in which the only solution was to cut it out.

As for the nature behind the incident, he could only investigate the ancient colossal city more. With the reinforcements of these three Fourth Step angels, however, he could place them on the frontline to act as the trailblazers. Heaven would reap benefits from this undoubtedly, but he would be able to protect his people better too.

"As interesting as it is, I am only interested in any valuables, magic and technology remaining. I will send another exploration party in a couple days, which I will have you be the main strike force of."

One of the two angels who only had a single pair of wings ruffled her feathery wings in outrage at Styx's command and immediately raised her voice.

"Treason! We will be exploring this realm on our own. We don't need any of your people holding us back. Heaven's warriors do not do the bidding of others!"

"Ridiculous," Styx snorted in derision and looked down upon the angel despite her being a powerful Fourth Step ranker. "This is my area. Heaven is given preferential treatment to share and seek benefits, but you will follow my commands on and work alongside my own people. That is the condition for your entry."

"Do you think you can stop us?"

At the thinly veiled threat behind the angel's words, Ursula shot her a glare out of the corner of her eye before stating, "I apologise for my sister's words. She can be a rough around the edges, but her heart is faithful. We will naturally work alongside your people as we explore this world."

"Good. I will have Therina show you to your residences. Should you require anything, you can speak to any of the women in the dungeon. Make yourself comfortable and enjoy all that the dungeon has to offer. We have recently acquired a dungeon city that you can explore as well. Loreley can explain anything information on the lifestyle here."

The two-winged fallen angel nodded her head from beside Dragon and agreed, "I must return to Dragon's dungeon with him to overseer it, things are never peaceful over there, but I can communicate with my sisters regardless of distance as long as I'm connected with Heaven."

Styx was disheartened that he would have one less Fourth Step angel to explore the region, and one less Monster Lord too. Whilst Dragon only acted near the end and wasn't taking an active role in the exploration, he was a trump card to turn around a sticky situation if need be.

Therina stepped forth and led the angel squad away from the Throne room and into the city in the dungeon where they were each given adjacent apartments to call home for their stay.


"You aren't wearing your armor?" Styx asked the three angels several days later as they were on the cusp of returning to the ruined world.

Ursula and the other two white winged angels all stood in form fitting clothes that didn't restrict their movement. These were all made out of some of the most expensive materials that Styx purchased during the Myriad Flower Devil Festival and offered superior defensive value.

Ursula wasn't overly busty, but she had a curvaceous body that Styx eyed more than once. She had long legs and her two pairs of wings hung behind her back freely whilst a large golden halo-crown floated above her head.

"Our armor is a natural conductor of mana and constantly releasing it into the surroundings whilst alerting us of any ambushes, hidden enemies and other factors. As we can't use any skills that use mana, we cannot use the armor either. It would simply feed the enemy husks."

Styx had met with the angels several times and explained all that he knew about the ruined world and enemies that were discovered within. The fallen god caused them all to be apprehensive as it was not normal for any godlike figure, no matter how degenerated, to reside within the mortal realm.

Behind him, and his personal guard, the giantess spider Monster Lord, Everest protectively stood. Her gaze didn't leave the back of his head for a moment, except for when someone else got too close to him would she momentarily glare at that person and emit a heavy scent of danger.

"Are you ready?"

The three angels were highly trained and had been through a large number of battle in their long lifetimes. They each nodded their head without a trace of fear and the attitude of veteran soldiers. Behind them, Aura, Vivy, and a handful of Third Step elites from within the dungeon residents all lined up fully equipped.

Styx stood in front of Ursula and casually raised his wolfish hand and tried to grab the angel's breast. Her hand moved faster than he could perceive and captured his wrist before he could reach his goal.

"You have grabbed my breast several times. Sister Loreley warned me to not let you do this as you are not allowed to perform sacrilege to Heaven. I implore you rethink your actions."

Everest leaned closer whilst coldly watching the four-winged angel out of the corner of her eye with a dangerous glint in it.

"Heaven wished for me to help them raise the Max Level of you angels, didn't they? That is half the point of the embassy."

"Are you trying to apply leverage?"

"No, no, of course not," Styx laughed whilst quickly raising his other free hand and grabbing onto Ursula's other breast, the soft meat bun under her clothes squishing under his fingers. "I am just saying that this is how I do it."

Despite being distracted enough by Styx that she let his sneaky move slip by, she was completely unfazed by the wolfish paw grabbing her breast. The other two angels were spitting fire with their eyes and grinding their teeth in anger though, but this was not the first time Styx had displayed his licentiousness behaviour towards Ursula or even them.

"That is true… I am still a soldier of Heaven however, so do not forget that I won't hesitate to break your hands should you dirty Heaven's property."

"A soldier through and through, such a shame. Do you not feel anything?"

Styx found her nipple through her top and alternated between circling it and pinching it between his fingers. He was truly thankful that they had discarded their armor, else it would have been almost impossible to take liberties with them.

"I feel some discomfort."

"It must just be a matter of growing accustomed to it."

Ursula release Styx's hand upon his resistance, that same hand then snaking around her waist, beneath her wings, and pulling her body into his.

"I disagree."

He tried to be more intimate with her, but the angel quickly became uncooperative and forced him back by pushing him away. Styx was certain Loreley would be spoiling his enjoyment sooner rather than later, but still didn't rush trying to win over the Angel's affection.

"Later, then. The five of you can depart. Take the hell gryphons and fly into the city. They don't use mana to fly and can take you all there relatively easily."

Aura was highly reluctant to depart from Styx, especially when Everest gave her a proud look as if she had won some competition. Regardless, she still followed Styx's orders and left alongside the others even though her current motivation was at an all time low.