Chapter 17

Since that incident his life became hell, if he thought it was hell before, he was very wrong, sometimes he wanted to go back to how he was before, before becoming a stupid omega. Those days when he was sheltered by his sister, where he took refuge in the calming smell of him, who was sure that it protected him from everything bad, when everything still made sense.

The hospital seemed like a nice place to him, he wanted to stay there for life but no, that was never going to happen, after a long time being in those four white walls together with the adorable nurses who looked after his health, they made him laugh and They fed him even though the food was ugly, he didn't care, he felt calm. It all ended as soon as they discharged him, his father entered to pick him up, he seemed calm, something too strange in him but he did not care and continued to dress in the clothes that he deigned to bring, I hope sitting in the car when he had finished while he was signing some papers.

The journey to "his home" was silent, his nerves were on edge just imagining what would happen next, he did not know why he was calm and that terrified him, normally it was not like that, he always tried to despise or hit him, Some part of him thought he felt guilty for what he had done, would he have reconsidered?

—Make dinner and hurry, I'm starving.

He must have imagined it, it was not going to be easy at all, his father was never going to change and as he imagined it, he did not leave him or take rest as the doctor had prescribed, he did not leave him alone for so long, his brothers also had no compassion for him, just one of them tried to take care of him but with fear, he did not want to earn a reprimand by others, he was not as strong as his sister.

Four of his brothers did not respect him, did not love him and much less had a pinch of pity with him, in their jealousy they took advantage of him, for the sole reason that he would never father puppies, they used him at will and his father did not say nothing about it, never said anything, just looked at him with contempt.

It was a complete hell living in that house where he could barely eat, he barely finished high school, crawling little by little, he felt that he could not do anything, that no matter how hard he tried they were not going to change, he had never done anything to them bad, he had never complained but why were they so mean to him?

He stood still looking at his reflection in the mirror, two red marks were on one side of his neck, another three were just scars because they had broken their ties, so pathetic, so humiliated, from impotence he broke the mirror feeling angry at just seeing his reflection, the desire to die was there because he had lost his wolf a few weeks ago, he no longer had a smell, he no longer had his jealousy, he felt a disgusting delta.

He wiped away his tears not wanting to continue seeing himself, he walked to his room packing some of his things that he still had, it was time to end this, he was not going to continue holding on, he had a little less than a year left to turn eighteen, of all ways no one would care if he left or if something happened to him, he came down stealthily opening the door slowly but some footsteps made him stop and turn around in fear, he hoped for the worst, that it would be his father and drag him for wanting to leave or one of his brothers but she was relieved to see him standing at the bottom of the stairs.

—I thought you never would.

—I can't take this anymore.

—I know, if I were you, I would have left a long time ago or would have ended my life, here.

He handed him a small wallet containing several bills, his eyes shone when he saw his brother, Liam would always have tried to take care of him as much as he could, he hugged him tightly and fled from that house, that place where he lived the worst, to nobody I wish that, not even out of evil would I do it.

With this money he was able to rent a small room and furnish it little by little, he had several jobs to pay for his apartment and food, since it was difficult for him to find work although now he was a beta, yes, he preferred to consider himself beta, a simple beta but his brands they said otherwise, these were the biggest problem, so he started wearing a scarf, he had to lie why he used it but they were only trifles.

He decided to apply to a good university, he had to study hard to get a scholarship, life never made it easy for him but he preferred to be like this, calm, without abuse as he lived before, the harassment he received was nothing compared to his siblings , he defended himself, he could do it, he was not going to allow himself to be treated like anybody.

After so much effort he was able to get an apartment, a scholarship to the university and a stable job, everything was going well, he felt that things would finally improve but they always say.

—The strongest warriors have the most difficult trials.

Was he strong? Anyone who has lived his hell would have stayed there to suffer or have killed himself, without a doubt James Velmond was a very strong person, everything was going well until he met him, if someone had been there to warn him not to pay attention, to concentrate on his studies, that they were all shit at that university, he would have listened but he had no one, he never had anyone.

Axel York was a sweet, tender boy, who always looked for a way to be with him, to make him smile with his nonsense, he began to love him, a serious mistake, he thought he could love someone, you cannot trust anyone, I was going to tell him that if to be a couple, one never finishes knowing people.


They had spent five beautiful months of courtship, everything was going well, there were no problems, I felt that I could breathe easy, that I no longer needed more to be happy but, was I happy?

She had gone to her boyfriend's house to be able to watch a movie calmly, she had already finished with her homework and today she was resting at her work, the afternoon started quietly, her hands were intertwined while watching an action movie, she stopped paying attention when her hand was slightly squeezed, she looked up at it, meeting the penetrating gaze of her boyfriend, she swallowed knowing the reason for his attitude and she was going to receive him gladly, with fear but she was going to receive him, he was sure that she loved him.

—Does he love you too?

The kisses did not take long to wait, gradually increasing in tone while he felt like mischievous hands slipped into his abdomen touching him with some fear, it caused him tenderness that he wanted to take care of him, he was gently laid on the couch without breaking the kisses Morbid that began, their tongues collided and the gasps died right there, he was so lost in it that he did not realize that his scarf had been removed from his neck.


His eyes met ending any sexual environment that was going to start, James was afraid to see him and tried to get up but his fist on his face was the only thing he received from him, why had he hit him? He had not done anything bad, I hadn't.

—You're a damn bitch and you never told me, what did you want? See my stupid face while you screwed with anyone?

—The-the co-things, n-it's not like that love, can I, I can explain it, just.


As he could, he grabbed his things and left there with his heart in his mouth, he had made a mistake, he knew he had made it, he should not have gone home, he should not have allowed me to touch him, he should not have gone the next day at the university, he knew he wasn't going to pretend nothing had happened, he wanted to talk to him, explain things to him, make him understand why he still loved him.

He still did.

As soon as he stepped onto the campus, people began to look at him strangely, some with disgust and others with curiosity, he did not understand anything until he reached his locker and saw those words marked with indelible marker unable to erase, Axel had said it or part of it but I had.

—Damn bitch", engraved big and with that black ink.

Axel had lied in saying that he slept with a different person every day, that he charged for his services, that he was a victim of him, that he had been cajoled, that and many more lies had been created by calling him "the university bitch", a part of him told him that he should run away, that he should start over, that he should do it but he couldn't move to another headquarters, this time he had to face it but he was never going to allow himself to be touched again.

No one was going to touch him that he had promised himself, this time his life would not be hell but if a constant fight, this had only begun.